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I stopped checking it because I think it will come at the most unexpected moment...

I have to give a solo recital next week and I don't want any bad news to affect me, so maybe I shouldn't check e-mails until then!? :(

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Does anyone know if rejection letters have been sent out, or know of anyone who's been sent a rejection letter for the DAAD language intensive grant? I am still waiting to hear *anything* from them and we are slowly creeping out of "early April." (Apologies if this has already been discussed).

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I assume we will hear tomorrow. If not, I'm tempted to email again, as it'll be after the end of March/early April expectation I was given. I really can't wait much longer to make summer arrangements, but I don't want to miss out on this opportunity! 

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I stopped checking it because I think it will come at the most unexpected moment...

I have to give a solo recital next week and I don't want any bad news to affect me, so maybe I shouldn't check e-mails until then!? :(

Just wanted to say I hope the recital went well! 

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I think emailing them if we don't hear by tomorrow would be okay. After all, they did tell you "late March/early April," and I'd say we're just about beyond that point. Besides, we need to know if we should be buying plane tickets and whatnot. 

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The cost of a ticket will sky rocket if we don't hear soon (I think optimal buying time is about 90 days before). And considering the stipend for the intensive grant won't cover the full cost of airfare, you'd think they'd want to tell us sooner rather than later. I'm sure there's a bunch of admin they have to do though before they can release decisions. 

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I am reluctant to check in with them personally but would be eager to hear what the state is of the Intensive Language grant (much like many of you). I emailed them in February regarding my application. I seem to recall when submitting it that they would give a confirmation of receipt 6-8 weeks after the deadline. They got back to me and said that they had received it and that I would be considered. Not a peep since (well I also applied for the graduate arts study grant but did not receive it). It's really unclear to me how the language grants are processed. I found a 2 year old FAQ that said the applications were pre-screened in their country of submission and then select applications were forwarded to Bonn for further review, then the office in Bonn snail-mails the results to the applicants. Backward bureaucracies.

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I think they changed it. Idk if I'll email agai since I already did. They also didn't email me confirmation to I emailed asking about that too

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Hi guys. I also applied for the summer intensive language grant. I emailed DAAD NY today about notifications. The lady sent a kind reply saying that they had a delay in their headquarters. She hopes to get results from them in the next seven days. So it looks like we have a bit more waiting to do

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Thanks Horb--The recital on April 15 and yes hopefully it will go well  :)


I am wondering though, is anyone going to Germany regardless whether they get the language grant or not? I was planning on going to one of those language courses anyways, even if I don't get selected.  In that case, I probably will stay for 4 weeks instead of 8 (simply because I can't afford to stay for that long).  

Anyways, just a thought.  Good luck to you all!

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That's a good point... So maybe best case scenario would be the end of the week, but we're more likely to hear next week. Wow, conceivably then, we may not hear back from them until April 24th or so.. at that point, it's already the end of April and we'd be 5 weeks out from some of the programs starting. Let's hope that we hear at the end of this week or the beginning of next! 

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