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This is torturous. I almost want to unsubscribe from their mailing list so I don't get too anxious when I see the weekly mailing tomorrow! I am wondering if there would but much harm in calling them at this point.

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I'd really appreciate someone calling. I don't want to email again, but at this point, my program is less than 5 weeks away. I imagine others are in a similar situation in which they have to make plans soon. 

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I'd really appreciate someone calling. I don't want to email again, but at this point, my program is less than 5 weeks away. I imagine others are in a similar situation in which they have to make plans soon. 

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I just tried calling the main NY office but their off-hours message was on. I tried again with a direct extension, went to voicemail. I'm assuming that they closed early today since they should still be open for another half an hour.

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I'm not sure they actually can do that. I know when I applied, it specifically said that I would get the dates and locations I applied for and that if I received the grant, and wanted to change either, I would not be able to. I do not recall seeing anything about them placing us wherever, but perhaps I missed it? I mean, why would they even bother asking for preference if they weren't going to use it?

Edited by Horb
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Hmm, I thought I remembered them saying something like the course you end up in is at their discretion, but maybe they just meant that you might end up with your alternate choice. That would make more sense than them just sticking you in some random program! :)

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Ohhh. Ok, yeah, that would make more sense. I highly doubt if you requested Berlin and Bonn for May/June or something they'd decide July/August and München. Although maybe! I'd take a change of location over a change in time, but that could just be me :) 

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Same! Haha. Looking back at what I requested, though, I definitely brought this problem on myself. One of my choices goes from beginning of June-beginning of August, and the other was a 4-week program either in June or July! Soooo I basically gave them my entire summer to work with! haha

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Haha. I requested two four week programs, since the online thing said it could be fore 8 weeks and I figured, why not? So for both I say June-July. Hopefully that works out :) How long do you think they'll give us to decided, assuming we are chosen? 

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To decide? Likely not very long considering how short notice this will be. I'm already assuming we won't hear today, but hopefully no later than next week. Does anyone know the number of applicants and awards given from previous years? I'm sure the influx of interest in Germany in this past year has caused a flood of A1 level applications for Berlin.

Edited by Cgyoungblood
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Oh god the weekly newsletter just came out subject "SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!" I almost had a heart attack. The graduate arts grant I applied for had 29 applicants last year and two awards. I hope the chances are better here. I will try calling them again today if my lunch break doesn't line up with theirs.

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I'm not really sure, but I also do not know how it is divided. I've heard that people who apply to lesser known locations have a better chance, because you are going up against a smaller amount of people. I'm not sure of the validity of this, but it would make sense if tons of people apply to Berlin vs. Schwäbisch Hall or something. 


I would hope we have enough time to review the funding involved, since the website said that not everything is necessarily covered. 

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Haha that would be so amazing! In a perfect world we would both get to go to Marburg! haha. In other news, I think that the DAAD has officially broken me. I'm still really excited to hear from them, but I've stopped checking my email every few seconds. You win, DAAD! 

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Haha. Ya I applied to Bonn and Marburg and if be equally happy at both. I too have been broken and don't check frequently. Though I'm still hoping for today.

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The funding description doesn't make a lot of sense, from what I could tell €2,300 goes towards course tuition, living costs and expendibles, then there's the travel subsidy (relatively minor when you consider the cost of US->Europe flights in summer) and health insurance. I applied for Köln and Hamburg. The tuition for two months would take up the entire award amount, but it's worth it to have that cost covered either way.

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