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Re: Funding --> I think they allot a certain amount per individual. So if you're program costs less, then you have more living expenses. I'm waiting to figure that part out though, because I don't want to end up owing the ticket cost and the majority of the other costs, though I think both of my programs were cheaper than 2300. But I guess I shouldn't worry until I find out :) 

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Spin it in a positive way, the longer they wait the fewer people can take it, the greater the chances are for those who really want it? It'd be nice if it worked that way. I need to close off the space this is occupying in my head.

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Thank God I didn't originally apply for May/June like I initially wanted to do. Why it is taking so long is beyond me. You think they would have sorted us out before the people whose grants don't start until September/October. 

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For real though... I originally applied for programs that started in May, but then they emailed me at the end of December and said that all programs had to start after June 1st. I'm really grateful for that now, because that would suck otherwise! 

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Re: Sep/Oct grants... Just speaking from my own experience but the graduate study grant application was an entirely different beast. The forms were much longer and I submittled about 4x the amount of materials as I did for the language intensive. They were also due about 5-6 weeks (depending on the field of study) earlier than the language grant app. I received notice for that one after about 4.5 months after submitting, so we're approaching a similar time frame here.

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just got my rejection for the summer intensive. i applied for Berlin so not surprising. A question for other applicants: i applied for an 8 week course, but I've seen mention here of people only applying for 4 week courses? is that allowed? or did you apply for two 4-week courses?


good luck to everyone! i was getting worried i would be unable to accept given the late date, but am also bummed. maybe next year!

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