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2015 MFA Applicants: Share your work and statement!


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Hello MFA Applicants, 


Hopefully this forum will help guide everyone through their portfolio editing process and also help inform others what a success MFA portfolio is made of. I'm looking forward to looking at this years MFA 2014 applicants and also next years.


Lastly, to be more helpful, make sure to include the schools you're applying too and keep the status of those schools decisions updated throughout the admission process. This gives future and current MFA applicants an idea of what schools particular taste might be and so on. 



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Portfolio: kevinart.foliohd.com


Applying to some pretty competitive MFA programs and I really would like some input on how my portfolio is developing. Currently I'm a Junior in art school and I plan too apply next year, during my senior year, but I'm not completely set on going, as I'm completely okay with waiting out years to get into a school that is a perfect fit for me. Please know that I just put on my portfolio so excuse the setup. 



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To be honest I think you would benefit more from a BFA in Fine arts, instead of a MFA. Your work  is missing a lot of basic understanding of composition, color and the human form--along with other things.


They teach theses fundamental things at the BFA level, not at the professional MFA level. Since you have a lot of schooling done already, you most likely want have to worry about your liberal studies, so you can focus on studio art classes. Try attending National Portfolio Day to receive further feedback. You can even try emailing your portfolio to admission officers, I did it once and got a portfolio review over the phone.



Lastly, why a MFA in art...?



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To be honest I think you would benefit more from a BFA in Fine arts, instead of a MFA. Your work  is missing a lot of basic understanding of composition, color and the human form--along with other things.


They teach theses fundamental things at the BFA level, not at the professional MFA level. Since you have a lot of schooling done already, you most likely want have to worry about your liberal studies, so you can focus on studio art classes. Try attending National Portfolio Day to receive further feedback. You can even try emailing your portfolio to admission officers, I did it once and got a portfolio review over the phone.



Lastly, why a MFA in art...?




Hi Kev, 


Thanks for your suggestions and being honest! 


I wonder if you have checked out my paintings in the Est-quod-est series 

and http://huili.portfoliobox.me/s ? 


I do have solid studio practice in art classes, like color theory,  anatomy, perspective, composition, etc.  and I was quite traditional before. The front-page may not be easy to accept., since I gave up common color and composition practice intentionally in the "happily-ever-after" series, and took a rather expressive approach instead. The color and style is a bit like "neo-neo-expressionism" and there are differences too. Probably need to make the change obvious enough for most people to notice?


Finally, to answer your question, my only dream since childhood is to be an artist.. very-complicated and long story... 

Edited by emiemi
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  • 2 months later...

Applying to Painting @














Your work looks phenomenal FAR. I especially enjoyed viewing the works on Mylar. I also like that you have included the R & D section as it gives further insight into your thinking. I have no doubt you will have your choice of which program to go into. Good Luck!

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Applying for Sculpture at:




University of Oregon



++++++++ your work really appeals to me. I like how much I can see the artist's hand in it yet it's also conceptual. Is that right? How do you describe it? It's tactile and I feel a lot of emotion from your work.

I wish your photos were little more clear though.

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Your work looks phenomenal FAR. I especially enjoyed viewing the works on Mylar. I also like that you have included the R & D section as it gives further insight into your thinking. I have no doubt you will have your choice of which program to go into. Good Luck!

Thank you Moonjuggler!


Good luck everyone

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++++++++ your work really appeals to me. I like how much I can see the artist's hand in it yet it's also conceptual. Is that right? How do you describe it? It's tactile and I feel a lot of emotion from your work.

I wish your photos were little more clear though.

Thanks moonjuggler. I'm working on the umpteenth rewrite of my statements, but at current my work boils down to research and examination of 'the object as palimpsest/rorschach'

I agree about the photos. Having a very difficult time especially with low light photography. Pretty sure I'll take down my site as I submit entries, some of the work I'm submitting isn't up, and I'm using different documentation for some works.

Good luck!

Edited by tcornel5
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Applying to Painting @














Impressive. I agree with Moonjuggler- the r&d page is quite helpful in seeing the connection between your research and work. Your pieces are documented nicely and are anything but monotonous. Good luck!

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Impressive. I agree with Moonjuggler- the r&d page is quite helpful in seeing the connection between your research and work. Your pieces are documented nicely and are anything but monotonous. Good luck!

Thanks ! well... I am not submitting the R&D page with my application... I wish I could! 


Good luck to you too!

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Thanks moonjuggler. I'm working on the umpteenth rewrite of my statements, but at current my work boils down to research and examination of 'the object as palimpsest/rorschach'

I agree about the photos. Having a very difficult time especially with low light photography. Pretty sure I'll take down my site as I submit entries, some of the work I'm submitting isn't up, and I'm using different documentation for some works.

Good luck!

Documenting work can be challenging. For future reference you might want to try getting a macro lens. It's especially beneficial for photographing smaller, detailed works. I use it for everything and switch lens when I need shots that require distance. Lighting, however, is another story. I'm still working on that as well. But a little bit of photoshop might help you there.

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Applying to Photography (or the equivalent program,) at:



Columbia University

Columbia College








My work focuses on dreams, memory, and how the three oftentimes intersect.


As far as my statement goes, I've submitted half of my apps, but I have four more statements to write and cannibalize pieces from others. I'll probably put up my next one, but in the mean time, I'm willing to read over statements. I have a degree in English and I also have an Art History minor, so I know how to write and think about art. (: Plus, I love editing papers. So there's that, too. 

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Applying to Painting @














Competitive programs for an competitive portfolio.



 Be carful, your work is very, very far along for an MFA applicant, I have herd of people being rejected for a portfolio that is too "accomplished". Why a MFA? 


Regardless, Interested to see how you application pans out.

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New Genres at UCLA and Columbia

Sculpture at Yale


Excuse the shambliness.I'm in the process of re-documenting.

I'm focusing more on my performance pieces and ephemeral work.




Your Sewing Pieces are absolutely insane (in the awe-factor way,) and intriguing. Your Standing Pieces, too. I'm a big fan of using sewing as a fine arts tool, and I'd say you got it. I am a little put down by the current documentation, but you said you're in the process of re-documenting. I look forward to seeing the improvement. Good luck!

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Competitive programs for an competitive portfolio.



 Be carful, your work is very, very far along for an MFA applicant, I have herd of people being rejected for a portfolio that is too "accomplished". Why a MFA? 


Regardless, Interested to see how you application pans out.

Thanks for your comments. AKW94 I think lot of the practices out there going to MFA are already "accomplished" -... In my case I am looking for the introduction of my thoughts  into the contemporary art discourse... Never went to art school... So I think I will benefit considerably from an MFA. 


BTW. I saw your work and it is very solid. Good job!!

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Thanks for your comments. AKW94 I think lot of the practices out there going to MFA are already "accomplished" -... In my case I am looking for the introduction of my thoughts  into the contemporary art discourse... Never went to art school... So I think I will benefit considerably from an MFA. 


BTW. I saw your work and it is very solid. Good job!!


My comment wasn't really my personal opinion. I'm just repeating what some of the comments I herd from schools during Grad National Portfolio Day and post on forums. 

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My name is WilI. I'm a senior at Otis. I would love to share my statement. The problem is I haven't finished it yet. I missed the deadline for UCLA, so now I'm in a mad rush to finish my SOP for USC, and maybe Irvine or Long Beach State. I'm sculpture/new genre major, but I want to get into a painting program.


Here are links to some of the work I did last semester:














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applying to painting/ studio arts programs at:


University of Michigan


U of Pennsylvania

U of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Virginia Commonwealth University

Concordia University

UC Davis






I won't post my whole statement but here is a little context for my recent work: 


In my work I examine the contradiction inherent in human constructs, most recently the idea of home. I am interested in the literal and figurative spaces people build around themselves. By investigating these spaces I develop a more intimate understanding of human nature.

Edited by gwen
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