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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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I love the number of acceptances today! You guys all rock!

hreaõemus I'm so so so happy you get to stay at your dream school!


Big congrats to all you amazing people! :wub:  Keep 'em coming!

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Congrats to all the Berkeley admits. I am very impressed :) I think this is the first English tippy-top program to have results so far, and I'm glad to see that the forum is so well represented (it seems).



but then...thoughts on when Rhetoric might come out? Just seeing English acceptances go up gave me butterflies. Guessing there are a few others on here feeling the same way. 


Yes! Except for Comp Lit. I suppose for Rhetoric and Comp Lit they need to consult more departments? Just a guess.

Congrats to the Berkeley English admits, that's fantastic!

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Congratulations to all the other admits from the day, and great, big, heartfelt thanks to all those who offered their congratulations! I'm waaaaaay out of up votes, but you all deserve all of them.



Not only might we be in the same cohort, but in the same cohort focusing on the same super-small subspecialty! I can't get over that; I think it's wild that we could very well end up taking classes and working together for the next however-many years. 


tries not to look like a stalker


I, too, am out of upvotes, but I agree - y'all are amazingly sweet and genuine, and I so appreciate the support! 


Also, unræd: I believe in academia the word is "colleague," not "stalker." ;) And if we work together it will be amazing!!! I'm super excited about the prospect. How many Anglo-Saxonists get to be part of the same cohort?! Like, two. You and me.

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I, too, am out of upvotes, but I agree - y'all are amazingly sweet and genuine, and I so appreciate the support! 


Also, unræd: I believe in academia the word is "colleague," not "stalker." ;) And if we work together it will be amazing!!! I'm super excited about the prospect. How many Anglo-Saxonists get to be part of the same cohort?! Like, two. You and me.


I know of another medievalist (though he leans towards late medieval) that got the thumbs up from Berkeley today. Really brilliant and down to earth guy. You all should have one hell of a cohort. 

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Congratz to the additional Berkeley admits and the other admits yesterday! This cohort is so talented...!


I'm assuming if we haven't heard from Berkeley by now, it is probably a rejection? 


Also, I'd just like to add to the sentiment about how overwhelmingly positive this forum is...I've been on my share of anonymous online forums, and I've seen what monsters can lurk in those...but not here! Cheers to the wonderful camaraderie! 

Edited by sillyrabbit
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I'm assuming if we haven't heard from Berkeley by now, it is probably a rejection? 


This is a question I've been debating for the past couple of days: what constitutes an "implied rejection." In reading threads from this time last year, there was much furor over people declaring an "implied rejection" far too early. I agreed last week...but now that I have an official rejection under my belt, and have seen some acceptances to places I applied to (that have yet to update my status or respond etc.), I can't deny that it's tempting to assume rejection. I think it speaks to something psychological: it's easier to cope with something definitive than it is to cope with something tenuous. If I assume that U. of Chicago and Vanderbilt aren't getting back to me, I can just focus on looking forward to the other fourteen programs I applied to, as opposed to nervously wondering about those two.


Still, I'm not going to count them completely out until I hear back from them. It's just that I think the chances are far slimmer than they were already (and they were slim to begin with...)

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I'm assuming if we haven't heard from Berkeley by now, it is probably a rejection?




Berkeley has also sent out some waitlist notifications, so I imagine we can now assume rejection. But schools that have sent out a few acceptances and (as far as we know) no waitlists could do staggered acceptances, so we can't reliably predict anything (other than that we can always reliably predict that we won't get in because the odds are against us :/). SUNY Buffalo had three acceptances on GC the other day, for example, but they were all in Poetics and university-wide fellowship candidates, so I'm not writing that off as a rejection for me yet.

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Congrats, you lovely people! Hurrah for good news:) 


Just wondering, but what's the protocol when you get acceptance emails? (Besides jubilant dancing, telling friends/neighbors/strangers, etc haha.) Are you supposed to reply back? 


I've replied back to both of mine, just so they know it was received. But you're right: it's an awkward moment, because I really wanted them to know I got the email and was interested, but in both cases I was so excited I wasn't able to form a coherent thought beyond "bfdefwihufhbebdhkrg."


They tend to have a section about how we should get in touch if we have questions, so I used that as a hook: I just wrote something simple about how thrilled I was to learn of the admission, and that I'd be sure to be in touch with any questions I had going forward.

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allplaideverything, I was one of the Buffalo admits, and, from the email, that is my understanding. I would assume that most of the admits to the program have yet to go out, so there is plenty of reason to hope/think you will be receiving good news in the near future! 

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I've replied back to both of mine, just so they know it was received. But you're right: it's an awkward moment, because I really wanted them to know I got the email and was interested, but in both cases I was so excited I wasn't able to form a coherent thought beyond "bfdefwihufhbebdhkrg."


They tend to have a section about how we should get in touch in we have questions, so I used that as a hook: I just wrote something simple about how thrilled I was to learn of the admission, and that I'd be sure to be in touch with any questions I had going forward.

IDK how I reached my upvote quota with one, but ditto. I've only had one acceptance, but I did the same.

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This is a question I've been debating for the past couple of days: what constitutes an "implied rejection." In reading threads from this time last year, there was much furor over people declaring an "implied rejection" far too early. I agreed last week...but now that I have an official rejection under my belt, and have seen some acceptances to places I applied to (that have yet to update my status or respond etc.), I can't deny that it's tempting to assume rejection. I think it speaks to something psychological: it's easier to cope with something definitive than it is to cope with something tenuous. If I assume that U. of Chicago and Vanderbilt aren't getting back to me, I can just focus on looking forward to the other fourteen programs I applied to, as opposed to nervously wondering about those two.


Still, I'm not going to count them completely out until I hear back from them. It's just that I think the chances are far slimmer than they were already (and they were slim to begin with...)

Yeah, I presume rejection from Chicago and Berkeley, but I'm saving a small kernel of possibility just in case. After all, people do decline, wait listers can receive other options, and paths can open up. However, it is a struggle to remain positive sometimes!

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This is a question I've been debating for the past couple of days: what constitutes an "implied rejection." In reading threads from this time last year, there was much furor over people declaring an "implied rejection" far too early. I agreed last week...but now that I have an official rejection under my belt, and have seen some acceptances to places I applied to (that have yet to update my status or respond etc.), I can't deny that it's tempting to assume rejection. I think it speaks to something psychological: it's easier to cope with something definitive than it is to cope with something tenuous. If I assume that U. of Chicago and Vanderbilt aren't getting back to me, I can just focus on looking forward to the other fourteen programs I applied to, as opposed to nervously wondering about those two.


Still, I'm not going to count them completely out until I hear back from them. It's just that I think the chances are far slimmer than they were already (and they were slim to begin with...)


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the "implied rejections" are almost always certain rejections. During my two years on the application market, during which I fielded eighteen applications and got fifteen rejections and a slim three acceptances total, I was almost never surprised. Well, okay, I was surprised once. But this program has a reputation of accepting people in waves. Other smaller programs do not typically do this, and it's much easier for them to notify everyone all at once. Moreover, if a program notifies both acceptees and waitlists at the same time, you can pretty much make peace with it and move on.


The job market wiki follows the same rules, I'm finding. If you don't hear when other people get interview requests, you're probably never going to hear.


This game is pretty rigged. The more familiar I become with academia's insides, the more I see that there is a lot of "insider trading" that goes on. Just have faith in yourself as a scholar and realize that this incredibly messy process has nothing to do with you personally.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the "implied rejections" are almost always certain rejections. During my two years on the application market, during which I fielded eighteen applications and got fifteen rejections and a slim three acceptances total, I was almost never surprised. Well, okay, I was surprised once. But this program has a reputation of accepting people in waves. Other smaller programs do not typically do this, and it's much easier for them to notify everyone all at once. Moreover, if a program notifies both acceptees and waitlists at the same time, you can pretty much make peace with it and move on.



Thanks for this. Yes, I get that sense too. "Faint" hope is rarely rewarded by reality.


This game is pretty rigged. The more familiar I become with academia's insides, the more I see that there is a lot of "insider trading" that goes on.


I've often wondered about this. Would you be willing to elaborate? If not publicly, I'd be grateful for a PM.

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Thanks. Honestly I'm just glad I finally heard from someone. The silence was killing me!


If it's any consolation, with Penn State and Northwestern results coming in, that means I've had three implied rejections in 24 hours. Not fun. :(

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