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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Assuming, of course, that there is not any trolling going on...

My feeling is that it's a troll given the recent anxiety surrounding notifications on the results page. Also, Brown hasn't done phone notifications for MCM in at least four cycles. However, the do have a new DGS this year, so maybe she's switching it up?

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Saw SO many Brown admits today, go you!


Don't think I saw a single acceptance from Columbia though, which sort of surprised me. Columbia is obviously incredibly competitive, but I figured with so many Brown admits that there'd be at least one or two Columbia ones as well.

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Don't think I saw a single acceptance from Columbia though, which sort of surprised me. Columbia is obviously incredibly competitive, but I figured with so many Brown admits that there'd be at least one or two Columbia ones as well.

I believe 2-3 Columbia acceptances were posted on the results board a few days earlier than the rejections.

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Nothing like being rejected from Tufts while at the doctor's waiting to hear if I have cancer. Ouch :/


Sorry to hear jhefflol :( Hope the doctor's visit goes well!

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Hi everyone.  I've been lurking on this forum for years but for some reason I never made an account.  I joined just now, however, to say a sentence I never thought I'd say.


I, like many people, have applied to graduate school before.  In 2011 I was rejected from eight MFAs and in 2012 I was rejected from eight English PhDs.  I skipped a year of applying to focus on teaching high school (I had recently been hired part-time) and writing book reviews for a local paper.  Last June, however, that private school laid me off.  I spent the next seven months collecting unemployment and applying to every job I could find.  This was about as rewarding and fruitful as my graduate school applications had been.


Right after Christmas, a different private school hired me to teach English part-time.  I was overjoyed, though the stipend was well below anything I could live on.  Just the other day, however, I got word that I got into the SUNY Buffalo English PhD program with a Presidential Fellowship.  I am still waiting to hear from seven other schools, but UB is extremely strong in my area of interest (psychoanalysis) and they have given me the best possible financial package.  And I'll get dental insurance and healthcare.  And I'll be able to afford an apartment.


I am overjoyed.  Just wanted to tell someone.

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Nothing like being rejected from Tufts while at the doctor's waiting to hear if I have cancer. Ouch :/

I received a rejection, too. Did yours explain why or just give a standard, "we were impressed with your application, but due to the increase in competative applicants this year, we were unable to offer you admittance"?

Keep us updated on what the doctor says! I hope all is well!

Edited by TeaOverCoffee
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I received a rejection, too. Did yours explain why or just give a standard, "we were impressed with your application, but due to the increase in competative applicants this year, we were unable to offer you admittance"?

Keep us updated on what the doctor says! I hope all is well!

Yeah mine was pretty generic. "Unfortunately we had a bunch of applicants and were unable to accept you..." Nothing specific. And thanks for the well wishes!

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Oh dear lord. After a Columbia rejection yesterday, I went to my CUNY application and saw that it was still listed as "incomplete," even after I emailed them about it months ago and corrected what I was missing. This began a slow decent into madness as I wondered if I missed something else, and if I'd lose any chance to stay in New York, and if CUNY wouldn't accept me, what if no one would accept me, and oh my god I don't really have a Plan B besides "bum around till I starve or something." Then today a whole bunch of junk emails from CUNY made my eye twitch as I kept refreshing and refreshing. 


Then I got the CUNY acceptance email.


My poor little heart, it is to burst.


(I have been ghosting this forum way more than is healthy but haven't posted much. Hi.)

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Congrats Andalus!!


Incidentally, my Cornell application has shown my GRE status as "pending" since October. I have contacted their staff a couple of times about this, and they have assured me that all is well on their end...but seeing it "pending" gives me agita. Hopefully my situation will have the same end as yours!

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