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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Yes I think some celebrities really do want to take part in an educational process. Franco went to a bunch of MFA programs iirc, which seems perfectly reasonable to me seeing as he's a writer. On the other hand, there are the Shaquille O'Neal's of the world for whom the rigor required of an advanced degree clearly don't apply. Still, even though the question of alumni money looms, I don't really care to judge whether a particular celebrity is qualified (especially Watson, who describes herself as a feminist--right on!). 


Edit: darn, I got got too =)

Edited by Wonton Soup
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Oh well I got got. You will rue the day you crossed me, Vanity Fair.


I still remember the outrage from Franco's acceptance.


who will ever take Vanity Fair seriously now? *sarcasm*


Franco never bothered me for whatever reason. I think because he really does seem to have some sort of manic creative genius to him, when he's not taking selfies.

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Franco never bothered me for whatever reason. I think because he really does seem to have some sort of manic creative genius to him, when he's not taking selfies.


I have no idea how people get this impression of him. He's been great sometimes as an actor (127 Hours), but his McCarthy adaption was utter dreck, and his short stories are laughable. That being said, my fairly traditionalist American lit prof liked his Faulkner adaptation, which surprised me quite a bit. 


I think for me the sketchiness of someone like Franco getting his degrees is not that he's going for them in the first instance; I'm sure if he devoted himself to that path, he could do quite well. But looking at the way he presents it, it seems like it's just another trophy to add to his "polymath collection". Additionally, the laxness grad schools gave him for taking classes was insane, to the point that I'm wondering how he actually did meaningfully deep graduate study.

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I have no idea how people get this impression of him. He's been great sometimes as an actor (127 Hours), but his McCarthy adaption was utter dreck, and his short stories are laughable. That being said, my fairly traditionalist American lit prof liked his Faulkner adaptation, which surprised me quite a bit. 


I think for me the sketchiness of someone like Franco getting his degrees is not that he's going for them in the first instance; I'm sure if he devoted himself to that path, he could do quite well. But looking at the way he presents it, it seems like it's just another trophy to add to his "polymath collection". Additionally, the laxness grad schools gave him for taking classes was insane, to the point that I'm wondering how he actually did meaningfully deep graduate study.


I'm never going to be a huge fan of his I just think he's one of those creative types that likes to do everything. I.e. he's probably not a total scam even if I don't love his style.

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I like Franco. When it comes to queer issues he's informed and on board and making a huge impact. His recent interview where the gay james franco interviews the straight james franco was funny and clearly referenced queer theory.


My problem is the Hollywood movies he does like The Interview. The Interview was filled with racial and gender stereotypes. Although the last 30 minutes was hilarious and over the top, I wasn't happy that he would agree to a film with these things in it given his clearly political intellectual/creative work (both fiction and films he makes on his own).


Jack Halberstam ripped on Franco in a lecture I saw on Youtube over what he did with the film Cruising and his general endeavors, and I often have wondered why Halberstam took such a perspective towards him, even if he thinks Franco's work is mediocre. Most of Franco's work is clearly queer and for political good. No other Hollywood persona has ever taken such an approach. For that alone Franco has earned my support.

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Jack Halberstam ripped on Franco in a lecture I saw on Youtube over what he did with the film Cruising and his general endeavors, and I often have wondered why Halberstam took such a perspective towards him, even if he thinks Franco's work is mediocre. Most of Franco's work is clearly queer and for political good. No other Hollywood persona has ever took such an approach. For that alone Franco has earned my support.


I think this may be why. He interviewed himself (Oh, James, you cad!) as the "gay" James and "straight" James last week and had this to say:



Straight James Franco: Let’s get substantial: are you fucking gay or what?

Gay James Franco: Well, I like to think that I’m gay in my art and straight in my life. Although, I’m also gay in my life up to the point of intercourse, and then you could say I’m straight. So I guess it depends on how you define gay. If it means whom you have sex with, I guess I’m straight. In the twenties and thirties, they used to define homosexuality by how you acted and not by whom you slept with. Sailors would fuck guys all the time, but as long as they behaved in masculine ways, they weren’t considered gay.


Clearly, not good for queer causes at all, and in fact, quite damaging.


I understand he's being a bit glib, given the format of the "interview" but that's the kind of bro discourse that floats around nowadays and it ain't helping.


Edit for link: http://dot429.com/articles/5801-the-straight-james-franco-talks-to-the-gay-james-franco


Edit: I just saw you referenced the interview, Apppp, oops. Interesting that you took it to be positive, though.

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I actually like that he interviewed himself. 


Honestly, I think the bros need to hear people like Franco say things like I'm mostly gay, or that you can fuck a guy and not identify as gay, because those bros ain't reading Butler or Puar in their spare time. Plus, sexuality ultimately is fluid and not bound by identity claims. The tricky part here is not maintaining stigma against those who identity as gay rather than queer, MSM, etc., and Franco battles that too by identifying with the aesthetic and cultural aspect of gay life.


With Franco it's important to think about who his main audience is, and although he's not publishing groundbreaking queer scholarship, he's having a huge impact on mainstream society when it comes to sexuality. 


 I would like for the bros to ponder that they could sleep with another guy and not be gay.   

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Haven't been posting lately because my focus has been on school and since I was rejected at every place I applied to and waitlisted at one, I was waiting for it all to pan out.


Well, it panned out. I got accepted into the PhD program at Brandeis with a package of around 22,000/year (exempting summers) for 5 years. I was thrilled -- but my decision is more complicated than it would have been a few months ago. 

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Haven't been posting lately because my focus has been on school and since I was rejected at every place I applied to and waitlisted at one, I was waiting for it all to pan out.


Well, it panned out. I got accepted into the PhD program at Brandeis with a package of around 22,000/year (exempting summers) for 5 years. I was thrilled -- but my decision is more complicated than it would have been a few months ago. 



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Haven't been posting lately because my focus has been on school and since I was rejected at every place I applied to and waitlisted at one, I was waiting for it all to pan out.


Well, it panned out. I got accepted into the PhD program at Brandeis with a package of around 22,000/year (exempting summers) for 5 years. I was thrilled -- but my decision is more complicated than it would have been a few months ago. 

Congratulations! Great news, great program. What's complicating the decision?

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I echo hypervodka's congratulations and question.

I lived in Waltham for a couple years and Boston proper more recently, so if you decide to accept and have questions about the area feel free to PM me.

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