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Do you have to visit once you've been accepted?


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I've heard a few conflicting things on this so I'm just wondering, is it true or false that once you've been accepted (knock on wood) and have an offer and all, do you have to actually go to the school in person or can all of these talks occur via the Internet?

Specifically for applied math PhD programs.

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I mean, I don't think you have to, but it's a good idea to visit so that you can get a better feel for the department. I've heard that for some people, visiting radically changed their opinion of a school!

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I agree with isilya. You could accept an offer after only corresponding by e-mail, but I wouldn't recommend it. You won't know if you like the culture or location from that, and there are a number of 'soft' factors you can better gauge when you are there in person. It also might give you a chance to talk to current grad students about the program, and people might be more candid in person than in any kind of official correspondence.


There are many stories on here about people attending a different school than they had thought they would after visiting. If you can manage to go, I think it is a very good idea to do so.

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You don't have to visit. I went to a PhD program that I'd never visited. BUT, I had previously met my POI in person, exchanged a bunch of emails, and talked via phone with current students of the POI in that program. Based on that, I was confident that it was a good choice, though obviously I would've liked to visit. I only visited programs that paid for me to visit, which my PhD program doesn't do (plenty of demand for their spots without having to do that so they just don't). That said, there are other programs that I visited and realized I couldn't attend once I got there. Sometimes you get a feeling and just know that something isn't right for you.

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