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Early admissions decisions for MA applicants


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I was wondering if MA application decisions are made concurrently with PhD's, or if the committees wait to see what positions will be available before deciding on MAs. It would be perfectly understandable if a university gave priority to PhD students I simply am not sure how it is done. In other words, if a university knows it will be fully funding 15 students, do they establish ahead of time 10 PhD slots and 5 MA? Or do they go into it saying we will take up to 15 PhD's and if there is any room we will accept MA students? Just trying to keep busy during this horribly chaotic time.

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Each program is different.  Usually if it's terminal MA application, those are considered after the PhD applications have been reviewed.  The programs have an interest in maintaining a sustainable graduate program.  If it's a MA/PhD application, then those are considered along with PhD applications.

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It always depends on the program. What I've noticed is, MA applications are, usually, due on a later date, in comparison to PhD apps. Therefore, I believe MA decisions are made after PhD, but I doubt adcoms place priority towards PhD students, since MA students are mostly unfunded. I think each program has separate criteria, regarding how many students are admitted, and they do not effect one another. Im not applying to MA programs, so Im not very fluent on their policies and how they operate.

Edited by LeventeL
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It always depends on the program. What I've noticed is, MA applications are, usually, due on a later date, in comparison to PhD apps. Therefore, I believe MA decisions are made after PhD, but I doubt adcoms place priority towards PhD students, since MA students are mostly unfunded. I think each program has separate criteria, regarding how many students are admitted, and they do not effect one another. Im not applying to MA programs, so Im not very fluent on their policies and how they operate.


At my undergraduate institution, terminal MA students hear back before MA/PhD or PhD students (they even say so on their website) -- this is because they don't fund terminal MA students, so when there's no need to wait around to see how much funding is available, they can notify people immediately once they've figured out how many MA students they want to take. I suspect that MA applications are due later than PhD applications because many MA programs are self-funded; a lot of those early deadlines are for university funding. 

Edited by girlscoutcookies
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