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Sad about having to miss an interview weekend...


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I just got an interview at my ABSOLUTE TOP CHOICE today! Awesome, right? It's also basically an acceptance, that's what the email said. But guess what? Usually their interview weekend is the first weekend of March, it's been like that for years. But this year, it's the last week of February! When I'll be at another school!!! WHYYYYYYYYY :( :( :( they said it's possible to visit another weekend, so it'll probably be fine, but still...I'm just feeling very sad right now and I just wish I could have the fun weekend with all the planned events and scheduled meetings with faculty... :( :(

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So either reschedule the first interview to go to your dream school, or pick another day to go visit your dream school. Places are flexible, they know this happens.


I would re-schedule the #1 choice though. Because if you are basically already accepted then it is not as dire that you visit THAT weekend. Plus, visiting the other place may change your mind, you never know!

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Visit weekends have good things and bad things about them. Good: you get to meet everyone at the same time--including part of your potential cohort, you get to be wooed in a special way. Bad: you don't get to actually see what the place is like (this one is a big one, if you ask me), there is less attention to you. So yes, maybe you'll miss out on the special events and whatnot, but it's not like you won't get to go. You'll go and get a special dinner just for you, and more time for everyone to talk to you, and you'll get to see what things are really like on a normal day, not on the one day when everyone is on their best behavior. It'll be a much more realistic view of what it'd actually be like to attend school there. (And congrats for the invite -- either way, it's good news :) )

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Visit weekends have good things and bad things about them. Good: you get to meet everyone at the same time--including part of your potential cohort, you get to be wooed in a special way. Bad: you don't get to actually see what the place is like (this one is a big one, if you ask me), there is less attention to you. So yes, maybe you'll miss out on the special events and whatnot, but it's not like you won't get to go. You'll go and get a special dinner just for you, and more time for everyone to talk to you, and you'll get to see what things are really like on a normal day, not on the one day when everyone is on their best behavior. It'll be a much more realistic view of what it'd actually be like to attend school there. (And congrats for the invite -- either way, it's good news :) )

Always the voice of reason, fuzzy :) I hadn't thought about it that way, with getting all the personalized attention! It'll be fun! It looks like I'm going to end up flying straight there from my last interview weekend so I'll probably be pretty tired, but it will be worth it.

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So either reschedule the first interview to go to your dream school, or pick another day to go visit your dream school. Places are flexible, they know this happens.


I would re-schedule the #1 choice though. Because if you are basically already accepted then it is not as dire that you visit THAT weekend. Plus, visiting the other place may change your mind, you never know!

Yeah, that's what I'm going to end up doing. It's not the end of the world, I just had a little freakout when I first found out because I had this whole "perfect weekend" picture in my head haha :)

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I chose to reschedule one of my visit weekends (moved it from a Thurs/Fri to the following Mon/Tues so that I had two visits in the same work week instead). From talking to people that attended the "main event", there didn't seem to be that much difference in the important parts. That is, you still get one and one time with a set of professors of your choice and you still have lunch/dinner with a group of professors and current students. The biggest downside is that you don't get to meet as many of your potential new classmates (although you might meet a few too, it's likely that other people have the same conflict as you). The second downside is that perhaps if there was a big "party" planned for prospective students, then it might not get repeated for you but I'm sure there will still be something smaller and still nice!


Also, I would say that you should always give priority to schools based on the order they asked you to confirm a visit date/interview. Once you/they have made flight/hotel bookings, you should not go back on your word! (It sounds like you are doing this anyways but just saying).

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