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Email from Head of Graduate Studies-- am I getting interviewed?

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Hello everybody, I'm wondering if anybody has ever received an email of the sort I did yesterday.


The message below was sent to me from the director of graduate studies in English at a university where I am an MA applicant for Fall 2015, from their personal gmail account rather than one affiliated with the University. It reads:


Dear [djb1993]

I'm the Director of Graduate Studies in English at [university], and I'm writing to ask if we might arrange a time to talk about our graduate program.  Are you available in the next few days?
I look forward to speaking with you soon.
I responded with my availability, and intend to prepare for the conversation as though it were a formal interview-- but the fact that nowhere in the message does that word actually appear, and that the email was sent from a non-University account, leaves me scratching my head as to the intended formality of this upcoming correspondence. Has anybody received anything similar this application cycle or in the past? Am I overthinking what is in actuality just a typical interview invitation? any and all feedback appreciated.
NB: Application portal to the school does not indicate an admission decision has been made at this time.
UPDATE: this professor just responded to my email wishing to schedule a phone call tomorrow-- a Saturday. Is this normal? Professional for the academy?
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I would certainly prepare for a formal interview. If it happens to be more conversational, then you can relax a little but still show your brilliance as a candidate.

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This sounds like an interview to me, or at least a “conversation” that also doubles as a de-facto interview. Having the call on a Saturday isn’t terribly unusual actually; most of these folks are really busy during the week. My S.O., applying in a non-English humanities field, got a cold-call interview from a program at 9pm on a Sunday. So basically anything can happen in that regard.

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I'm going to say very uncommon. I did not have interviews for mine and I don't gather that many people do (I did, however, go in after I received my admission offer to speak to the DGS and negotiate funding).


Good luck, though! Just make sure you can speak to your interests in the program as well as your own research interests and you'll do fine.

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I agree with those who've said to prepare for it like it's an interview. It could also be a situation where maybe the professor is considering nominating you for a fellowship and they just want to know a bit more about you and your studies first. Anyway, I would take it as a positive sign of the school's interest in you as a candidate for admission--you are at least on their radar!  :D  


I'm also very shocked at the number of schools that are interviewing this year, I didn't even realize this was a possibility in the world of English grad admissions. 

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I don't want to wrongly excite you, but Penn State at least seems to have a history for doing this exact thing when they are actually calling to say you've been accepted -- even down to the wording "to talk about our graduate program."


In any case, this sounds like a very good thing. Congratulations and good luck! And please let us know what happens!

Edited by Chadillac
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Update: DGS called to inform me of my acceptance to not only the MA program but pretty much guaranteed admission to the PhD program, in addition to a fellowship covering all tuition and fees plus a generous stipend.  In hac spe vivo, this was indeed Penn State. I wouldn't despair quite yet, it's still rather early and judging by the results boards plenty of admissions were given later on in the year in the past.


Needless to say am floored at the news, thanks everyone for the wellwishes. cheers!

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Update: DGS called to inform me of my acceptance to not only the MA program but pretty much guaranteed admission to the PhD program, in addition to a fellowship covering all tuition and fees plus a generous stipend.  In hac spe vivo, this was indeed Penn State. I wouldn't despair quite yet, it's still rather early and judging by the results boards plenty of admissions were given later on in the year in the past.


Needless to say am floored at the news, thanks everyone for the wellwishes. cheers!


What fantastic news!!!! Congratulations! :D

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Update: DGS called to inform me of my acceptance to not only the MA program but pretty much guaranteed admission to the PhD program, in addition to a fellowship covering all tuition and fees plus a generous stipend.  In hac spe vivo, this was indeed Penn State. I wouldn't despair quite yet, it's still rather early and judging by the results boards plenty of admissions were given later on in the year in the past.


Needless to say am floored at the news, thanks everyone for the wellwishes. cheers!


Congratulations! And I have officially freaked myself out by calling that. If only being able to guess the program by the DGS's email had been on the lit subject test ...

Edited by Chadillac
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Argh, I'm so glad this thread exists as a somewhat similar thing has just happened to me, a DGS has written to me telling me I'm on the shortlist (they're waiting to hear about funding) and want to set up a Skype interview to chat about the university and "convey their excitement about my application" -which I'm guessing could be code for interview, especially as the word shortlist also appear. Guess I'll have to face my fears and look at my SoAP and WS again :ph34r:

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Argh, I'm so glad this thread exists as a somewhat similar thing has just happened to me, a DGS has written to me telling me I'm on the shortlist (they're waiting to hear about funding) and want to set up a Skype interview to chat about the university and "convey their excitement about my application" -which I'm guessing could be code for interview, especially as the word shortlist also appear. Guess I'll have to face my fears and look at my SoAP and WS again :ph34r:


Frustrating, to be sure...but it IS a good thing, and worthy of congratulations, I think. So congratulations!

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Frustrating, to be sure...but it IS a good thing, and worthy of congratulations, I think. So congratulations!


Thanks WT! :wub:  and yes, excitement was the definitely the first thing I felt, followed quickly by dread and wonder...

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