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SFSU interview

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If it helps anyone I was accepted off the wait list to SFA two weeks ago and I have accepted it. I am waiting on another school and if I get in there I will take it! I'll keep this feed updated!

What number were you on the list, if you don't mind me asking

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@CCSLPGRAD, are you talking about SFSU? Doesn't seem like what you're saying matches up since they did conduct interviews and they sent a letter letting you know what ranking you are on the waitlist.


@coffeeandtea, I'm with you on this one! I'm waitlisted at 2 other schools but really, really, really want to go to SFSU. Or anywhere at this point would be okay too haha. Good luck! Hope to meet you at SFSU next year! :)

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Did not*

woah that's so weird! hmmmm... well anyways, congrats! 


and @stayhopeful, I hope you get in somewhere! #2 on a waitlist is pretty darn good! sure beats #14 :P But i'm glad I got accepted to CSUN. I'm still holding out for SFSU though!

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@radioheadliner ; did you get the e mail from the credential office saying they have finalized your offer for admission???

I got this too but I'm not sure if that means I'm admitted or if it means they've processed my application cause a few weeks ago I got an email saying my application has been updated and when I called they said they just verify GPA and everything of everyone on the list??

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@radioheadliner ; did you get the e mail from the credential office saying they have finalized your offer for admission???

I got this too but I'm not sure if that means I'm admitted or if it means they've processed my application cause a few weeks ago I got an email saying my application has been updated and when I called they said they just verify GPA and everything of everyone on the list??


This is what I got. 


With all due respect, I sure hope you've got the wrong feeling. Seems pretty airtight to me.






This is to let you know that we have now finalized your recommendation for admission to the University. You should be receiving a letter plus some information from our office within the next few days.


Should you decide not to continue with the admission process, please contact the Credential Admissions Office immediately at credntry@sfsu.edu.  This allows us to make your space available to another candidate.





Jenny Baccay, Credential Admissions

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  • 2 months later...

Hi!! I was accepted off the waiting list but am feeling a bit lost in terms of what to do next. I haven't gotten any info about when to enroll in classes or what orientations to attend. Your help is greatly appreciated!! 

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