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Conference Inquiry

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I applied for a conference and was told decisions would be made mid-February. It is March and I haven't heard anything. I assume at this point I wasn't selected to present, but I'm wondering if I should email for confirmation and if so, what I should say.

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I don't see any harm in reaching out, especially to the panel moderator to which you submitted, to confirm. I've had experiences with some moderators falling behind or having to delay notifications for various reasons, so it's always better to check in.

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As a conference organizer, here is the kind of email I appreciate: "Dear organizers, I submitted an abstract with the title Title (or: submission number, other relevant info) to Conference. The conference website says that acceptance notifications should have gone out in mid-February, but I haven't heard anything yet. I was wondering if notifications have gone out already, and if so if it would be possible to know my result and to receive any feedback from the referees that my abstract may have gotten. Thank you, -me." Whatever you do, please don't write a passive-aggressive "well I didn't hear so I suppose I'm rejected, you could at least email" because it's possible that notifications are delayed and it's possible that there was a technical glitch with the email (you'd be surprised how many of those one gets as an organizer!). 

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I applied for a conference and was told decisions would be made mid-February. It is March and I haven't heard anything. I assume at this point I wasn't selected to present, but I'm wondering if I should email for confirmation and if so, what I should say.


When is the actual conference? It's March, but it's barely March. You might also want to see if they ever extended the deadline because that usually pushes everything back. 


I also agree with fuzzy logician, having organized a conference before.  Though I do understand that because of organizing travel, it's helpful to know early.  

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The conference is in May, but I heard about the decision date in an email from the coordinator confirming that my submission was received. The website doesn't mention any extensions for the submission date. I was thinking of responding to the original email and just saying I was following up, since she had mentioned mid-february, but I understand that things can be delayed.

Edited by Horb
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Is it a grad student conference? Sometimes grad student conferences take longer to hear back from because, well, the grad student organizers are usually very busy. If it's a national conference, you definitely should be hearing very, very soon. They typically  stay on top of their game.

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It is national so I guess I'll give it another week. Then email?


If you really do need to know now for some reason (like you need to apply for a visa, or you need to apply for university-internal funding that has a deadline) then by all means ask. If you are just curious, you could wait a little. But since it's more than 2 weeks past when they said they would announce, I think it's also fine to ask now.

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There is really no reason I'd need to know. The conference is right near me so I wouldn't have to worry about securing funding. I mainly just wanted confirmation that my proposal was not accepted as I assume I would have heard back by now. I think I will wait another week then possibly email. 

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I wish they had a log in. We emailed in submissions and received an email saying we would be notified of the decision (yes or no) mid-February. Again, I assume I didn't get in, but I like closure :)

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