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Informal vs Formal acceptance


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Hey all! First time posting. 


I was curious about the length of time between informal and the formal acceptance. I'm a little curious and mostly concerned about how long it's been. 


I'm also wondering if the program accepted someone and then were told by the Grad School office that they were formally waitlisted/rejected. If you guys had any ideas or insight?


I'm waiting on both Yale and UVa to get back to me for this. 

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Usually a week, sometimes a few. The grad school rarely goes against the department's admission decision. In those cases, it is usually if the applicant's qualifications fall below the (general) graduate school's minimum requirements (e.g., 3.00; 50th percentile on both subsections of the GRE).

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My program took over 3 weeks from the time my POI contacted me to say I'd been "recommended for admission by the department" and getting the official GSAS letter. To reiterate what I'm sure you've heard, it seems to be a formality, but that didn't stop me from being slightly paranoid until I got the final word. 

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It's been a week for my 


Usually a week, sometimes a few. The grad school rarely goes against the department's admission decision. In those cases, it is usually if the applicant's qualifications fall below the (general) graduate school's minimum requirements (e.g., 3.00; 50th percentile on both subsections of the GRE).

I don't fall in those I hope so I guess I'm worrying about nothing? 


My program took over 3 weeks from the time my POI contacted me to say I'd been "recommended for admission by the department" and getting the official GSAS letter. To reiterate what I'm sure you've heard, it seems to be a formality, but that didn't stop me from being slightly paranoid until I got the final word. 

I've heard that it was a formality as well. I'm just being paranoid, but thanks for giving me some peace of mind. It's been about a week since I got the informal offer. 

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It's been a week for my 


I don't fall in those I hope so I guess I'm worrying about nothing? 


I've heard that it was a formality as well. I'm just being paranoid, but thanks for giving me some peace of mind. It's been about a week since I got the informal offer. 

If it's any consolation, mine's been a month since the informal notification...

Havent heard back...

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Maybe it is taking forever to get to you because you're in Nigeria?

Sending Snail mail without informing me via email makes no sense

I plan to write the departmental chair by the end of the month however.

Program deadline is March 15, mine was kinda lke an early decision so.....

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It's been almost two weeks since I received my unofficial acceptance via phone. I was told an official offer would be following "ASAP" -- whatever that means! 


So, I understand your frustration and worry. I'm right there with you. If it makes you feel any better (and yes, I am saying this to make myself feel better as well), the official offer is more of a formality than anything. You're in - it's just not in writing yet. 

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Hi guys, By 'informal acceptance' do you mean the one from your POI or 'departmental recommendation for admission'?

If it is the later, I also think its a formality..but that isnt stopping me from being partially paranoid even of I just got a department recommendation last friday and still awaiting the formal offer and details of funding.

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PLOT TWIST: The official deadline of my program is March 15th does this have anything to do with the delay in funding information? My acceptance was kinda early so I'm a bit perplexed here...A month of paranoia and counting.....

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Here's been my experience so far -- there is a lot of variability!!


School A: unofficial admission Jan 28 // official letter Feb 27 (this one took the longest)


School B: unofficial admission Feb 7 // official letter Feb 12


School C: unofficial admission Feb 19 // official letter Feb 26


School D: unofficial admission March 7 // still waiting for official letter

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Congratulations on the offers! I applied to one school only. Based on my experience and the information I managed to collect here and there, on average it takes 2 to 3 weeks between the time you hear back from your supervisor and the official letter.


Good luck!

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Got my recommendation for Admission mail on last Friday, with the promise that I was going to get the formal admission letter containing words on Funding and Fellowship (if any) 'as soon as possible'-Its a week today still no news..

I guess 'soon' means different things to different people tho.

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PLOT TWIST: The official deadline of my program is March 15th does this have anything to do with the delay in funding information? My acceptance was kinda early so I'm a bit perplexed here...A month of paranoia and counting.....

Hi Bro,

Can I send you a mail?

Need to ask you some questions.

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I got my unofficial acceptance via email from the department mid February. Its been over a month and I haven't heard back from them! They said in the email that the Graduate Office will be sending me the official offer of admission "shortly"...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got an informal acceptance from one of my top schools, but my GPA is below 3.0. I sent my explanation into the school and I did attend a great undergraduate institution. The department recommended me, but I'm afraid the Graduate School will overturn it. 

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Can people who had GPAs below 3.0 talk about their experiences?



I got an informal acceptance from one of my top schools, but my GPA is below 3.0. I sent my explanation into the school and I did attend a great undergraduate institution. The department recommended me, but I'm afraid the Graduate School will overturn it.

For the school I will be attending, I received an unofficial acceptance via email mid February and heard back from the Graduate School officially in the first week of March.

It's ok, you aren't alone in your paranoia. Before the department had even made a decision, I had had Skype conversations with a POI and the program director, many email exchanges that ended with comments along the lines of "I hope we can convince you to come here", etc, etc. None of that, nor the unofficial acceptance, was enough to convince me that the department/program wasn't just pulling my leg or killing time until the Graduate School decided to veto their decision and send me a list of all the reasons why I was unworthy (just to salt the wound). It turns out my paranoia was unfounded.

So my advice to you is, breathe. Relax. Waiting isn't easy, I know. But just trust that the department has gone to bat for you. Only EXTRAORDINARY circumstances would cause the Graduate School to deny you. So as long as you don't have any puppy-kicking, geriatric-harassing, paraplegic-tripping skeletons in your closet, you'll most likely be fine :)

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