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Artist-Are you shocked by who offered an acceptance & a rejection?


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When you think about this recent process of graduate admissions, are you shocked by your acceptances or your rejections? Why?


Actually, this played out much like I thought it would. The schools with more spaces and less funding love me ;)

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I went to NPD and the reviews/feedback I got have pretty much predicted the outcomes.

Vcu told me to build my portfolio for a year and to definitely apply next year- that was a rejection

Saic was very positive and waived my application fee- that ended up with an interview and acceptance

Risd was very positive- that ended up with an interview and I'm waiting to hear back.

So yea, I highly recommend going to portfolio day if it's feasible.

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I went to NPD and the reviews/feedback I got have pretty much predicted the outcomes.

Vcu told me to build my portfolio for a year and to definitely apply next year- that was a rejection

Saic was very positive and waived my application fee- that ended up with an interview and acceptance

Risd was very positive- that ended up with an interview and I'm waiting to hear back.

So yea, I highly recommend going to portfolio day if it's feasible.

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Kind of yes...Well I got accepted by PNCA and for some reason in my head I expected more funding. I kind of expected  to get into Rutgers University but oh well.


I wasn't expecting to get into MICA (didn't even really expect an interview ) and was not very sure about VCU (but wasn't terribly worried about it). Those rejections were not shocking.


I can't say I am that shocked, but the most bizzarre thing to me was that the interviewer for MICA prefered my goauches over my oils. That threw my brain for a loop (LOL). I just assumed my oil paintings were much more impressive, and she even liked the gouaches that I thought were probably the weakest. Very very strange. We have such opposing opinions/ tastes on where my work should be that  it seems that it might have been best I wasn't accepted.


I didn't expect to get an interview with RISD either...Still waiting on them. to accept or reject me after that


I also didn't expect after all those rejections (i was feeling pretty down by then ) to get into Boston with as good of a scholarship as I did. I had to stare at the acceptance letter a few times.


It's sort of how I felt going in. My portfolio feels impressive, but I lack confidence and knowlege ...and my portfolio could use another year of work before it's really 'matured' into itself.

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Like........did any of the interviewers that talked about your work just seem to dismiss what you thought was the strongest? I still can't quite get over it but I'm trying to understand her preference and I think I have dealt with the jolt to my brain .


It's weird because even my professor and other students didn't really understand, while my other professor( I do the gouaches in his class) did seem to understand her opinion, though didn't necessarily think that one medium was stronger than the other. They are just different in mood/ effect.


Still I am still trying to deal with it! like...maybe I"ve been wrong! Or maybe the admissions process is much more based on taste/ opinion that I originally even conceived it to be...


Because...lol...that was really the last thing I was expecting XD.

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In my interviews we primarily talked about work I brought in, and I don't think the rest of my portfolio was discussed at all in either interview. I brought in one new work (still in progress) and a couple others that I felt translated best in person/were my strongest. Saic and risd both gravitated towards the same elements in the drawings, but gave conflicting feedback. I guess what threw me the most was that saic didn't question my time spent between undergrad and now, whereas risd asked what I've been doing and how it influenced my work. Mostly I was just surprised that saic didn't ask at all, but also saic seemed better acquainted with my application in full (cv/essay/portfolio) than risd was.

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In my interviews we primarily talked about work I brought in, and I don't think the rest of my portfolio was discussed at all in either interview. I brought in one new work (still in progress) and a couple others that I felt translated best in person/were my strongest. Saic and risd both gravitated towards the same elements in the drawings, but gave conflicting feedback. I guess what threw me the most was that saic didn't question my time spent between undergrad and now, whereas risd asked what I've been doing and how it influenced my work. Mostly I was just surprised that saic didn't ask at all, but also saic seemed better acquainted with my application in full (cv/essay/portfolio) than risd was.

I did a skype interview with RISD  which was before the in person interview (I was actually the first interview! believe it or not...lol and I think I did badly so I may have made everyone else look good! you're welcome! haha) I did send them images via email but I didn't get as many questions concerning the work itself. They didn't really discuss them with me.


I did bad on a lot of the questions..but I did awesome on at least one ...lol..I mean I know I shouldn't have done this but when I sent a thank you email  I told them that I 'wasn't completely satisifed with all my answers' . They did respond that 'i stood out in their field of candidates ' and that 'my responses supported my strong standing'....I don't know exactly what that means though! lol and hope it's not just a generic reassurance. :S


My interview skills are pretty bad (in my opinion). They ask me a question about my influences and i gave very generic overarching vague mentioning of certain movemetns instead of tying them back to my work......they even commented on that vagueness...- and then I haven't been to a lot of museums and they voiced their concern over that as well...So i did get some feedback from them regarding my answers.

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I am actually still shocked. It's my first round applying for MFA in creative writing, and I heard horror stories that advised you to apply to a thousand schools just so you could at least get into one school. :o  I kept on thinking, 'I don't have that kind of money for submissions'. Well, I should have at least tried schools whose tuition didn't break the bank. But, in the end it still feels great.

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I am actually still shocked. It's my first round applying for MFA in creative writing, and I heard horror stories that advised you to apply to a thousand schools just so you could at least get into one school. :o  I kept on thinking, 'I don't have that kind of money for submissions'. Well, I should have at least tried schools whose tuition didn't break the bank. But, in the end it still feels great.ost

lol you're in the forum for visual arts, but WE ACCEPT  YOUUU! I am being for real though- it's cool to post here,I am just not sure  you were aware.


Yeah I applied to 8 schools total and looking at every one else most of them had 5 at most. My teachers said to try at least 10!!! and my one professor said 'oh I applied to a dozen and got into all of them ' << -_______- I hope he wasn't lying. lol. Then again we had one girl last year at my school that applied to a lot and got into every single one. That kind of stung for me though lol.  I don't think my work is worse than hers..Just I think she's more mature in her pursuit......which is important to schools.


I am glad you got in! you must be a good writer because you did very well for yourself!!!

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I wasn't shocked by the acceptances, more so the enthusiasm to have me as a grad (You like me? You really like me???). Makes me feel good, but it really comes down to affordability.

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lol you're in the forum for visual arts, but WE ACCEPT  YOUUU! I am being for real though- it's cool to post here,I am just not sure  you were aware.


Yeah I applied to 8 schools total and looking at every one else most of them had 5 at most. My teachers said to try at least 10!!! and my one professor said 'oh I applied to a dozen and got into all of them ' << -_______- I hope he wasn't lying. lol. Then again we had one girl last year at my school that applied to a lot and got into every single one. That kind of stung for me though lol.  I don't think my work is worse than hers..Just I think she's more mature in her pursuit......which is important to schools.


I am glad you got in! you must be a good writer because you did very well for yourself!!!


 Wow, I actually didn't notice hey. Thanks for pointing that out and accepting me  :) .  It's actually my first time in this forum, I've been snooping around and decided to finally post something.  Lol well don't let that sting you too much, everyone goes about it differently. Well 8 schools is still a lot, I commend you for that. Congratulations on your Boston University acceptance by the way.


And thank you, I'm glad I did too. :D  

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Why are you offended?



Lol do explain!!!!


Haha ok that was sort of a joke. I wasn't really shocked because most of the programs that I really felt good about and think are good fits all accepted me. And I also see why some programs turn me down.


With that said, I do find some programs silent rejections, or another one's suggestion in the rejection letter that "I consider reapplying next year", a bit funny.

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Haha ok that was sort of a joke. I wasn't really shocked because most of the programs that I really felt good about and think are good fits all accepted me. And I also see why some programs turn me down.


With that said, I do find some programs silent rejections, or another one's suggestion in the rejection letter that "I consider reapplying next year", a bit funny.

Yes I got two 'you should apply next year'.One of them I felt was legitimate, the other not  as sure.

Edited by KSuverkrubbe
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People talk about portfolio's like they're fine wine.  Put it in a dark cellar for a year or two and it will really taste great with a steak.

Sometimes this is correct though...especially for people who haven't been doing that specific field of work for very long (think 4 years or less) . Or like when you are honest and state in your essay that you 'need more experience'<< (maybe this hurt me, but it's just true!) Or if you are progressing very fast.


A year makes a world of difference for me, but I thought I still could stand up pretty well. I wasn't completely mistaken :D. It may slow down though once I start settling in to making art.

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