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Which recommender to choose from


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Hi all,

The program I'm applying to prefer 2 out of 3 LORs to come from my undergrad professors. I was able to get one rec letter from a professor who is also the director of my undergrad program and 1 from my  employer. For the third letter, I'm debating between a professor and my former manager at the company I interned with. The professor taught the Business Internship class, which basically a class you take when you want college credit for the internship. I know him well so he maybe able to provide me with a strong recommendation letter. On the other hand, I could get a stellar LORs from my former manager. I'm really debating between the two here and not sure which one to pick. I don't want to send extra LORs either because I have been told that may even hurt the application. 


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Hi GCTSan,

I have to echo Rising Star's sentiment that if you know your school prefers 2 out of 3 letters come from professors, then you should do that. However, I wanted to double-check that you got the information that your school prefers 2 out of 3 letters from a professor from a reliable source. Did the school directly state that on their website? Did an official representative from the school tell you this? If the 2 out of 3 rule is just hearsay, you may want to verify that this is actually true before you make your decision.

Best of luck!


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