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What is the point of having a supervisor

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Instead of approving or suggesting changes to the proposal, my supervisor has been asking so many questions. I feel like as if I'm the professor??? I'm 5 weeks into the Masters program.....

If I suggest all the changes to you, then what do you learn? Since a master's is about learning how to do research and actually doing it, you need to be able to answer questions about your proposal and planned research. If your supervisor has so many questions, then there are obviously things about your proposal that aren't as well specified or as clear as they could be. It's up to you to turn those questions into changes to your proposal if you want it to get approved at some point.

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Answering questions is actually one of the best ways to access your understanding of said area. It also helps you see alternative opinions about your work and helps you become a better researcher and communicator. 

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