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History PhD programs with strong Middle East & Urban Studies Focus


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Hi everyone! I just discovered this place and you all seem very helpful. 

I'm wondering if anyone can think of any History programs that have especially strong faculty in both the Middle East as a regional focus, and Urban History as a thematic focus. I've already got a pretty long list with NYU, CUNY, Stanford, Michigan, and Columbia as schools that I can really see myself at and have strong showing in both these fields, and Oxford, Yale, Harvard, Penn, Princeton as sort of so-so. I would hate to miss out on programs where I'd be a good fit because I'm focusing too much on 'top-tier' schools.  

A little about myself: I did History (Hons) in undergrad with top marks then moved over to Oxford for a two year M.Phil in MMES. My Arabic, both formal and colloquial, ain't bad, and I'm heading back to the Middle East in the New Year to firm it up. I lack (real) publication unfortunately, but I'm in the process of writing that up and hawking it to the beasts. In both my undergrad and master's I looked mostly at martyrdom, media, commemoration, these sorts of things, but in my PhD I want to switch over to urban history working on a project looking at informal transportation. I'm a bit insecure about the left turn, but I've got a good excuse and I explain it in my SOP. 

Anyways, any thoughts would be great! 

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Why can't you just talk about urban history and Middle East?  You're still working in Middle Eastern history so there's no "left turn" to speak of.

You might want to look at some of the UCs, particularly San Diego and Los Angeles.

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On 11/25/2015, 5:07:33, TMP said:

Why can't you just talk about urban history and Middle East?  You're still working in Middle Eastern history so there's no "left turn" to speak of.

You might want to look at some of the UCs, particularly San Diego and Los Angeles.

Sorry I was unclear, I meant shifting from looking at martyrdom and visual media to urban studies being a left turn. I don't necessarily have anything, either my undergrad or masters work, which is screams 'I do urban studies'. Thanks for the advice, I'll have a look at those programs. 

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23 hours ago, Mr_Quacky said:

Sorry I was unclear, I meant shifting from looking at martyrdom and visual media to urban studies being a left turn. I don't necessarily have anything, either my undergrad or masters work, which is screams 'I do urban studies'. Thanks for the advice, I'll have a look at those programs. 

Then don't pitch your project as entirely urban studies in your SOP or in your emails to POIs (if you decide to send such emails). You should frame this as stemming from your previous research and interests in Middle Eastern history and focus on how the skills you already have will enable you to pursue this slightly different line of inquiry. If you frame it as a left turn, then other people will see it as such too.

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