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No idea what the email means



I received the email from a university. It asks me whether I really want to go there. If I do, then I will get quick offers. Otherwise I have to wait. It also says three applicants are better than me, but they all choose to wait for other universities.

Does this mean if I choose to wait, then I may not be admitted? Does that also imply if I choose to go, then I can`t reject the offer later?

Cause I`m not sure the results of other schools, I don`t want to miss this offer. How shall I response the email?

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It seems pretty straightforward to me. 

The school had three applicants ranked higher than you, but would prefer someone who commits now rather than waiting and potentially losing all their best individuals. 

If you commit to going there (sometimes schools call this a priority admission), you'll get offers faster. 

If you aren't going to commit, then they'll probably wait until they've heard from the three people before you on the list before giving you an offer. 

You won't be legally bound to go the school if you say yes, but it would be a pretty underhanded thing to do if you say you really want to go there, and then decline if you get a better offer. The school would be committing to you, and probably losing out a chance on some other applicants, and could end up in a really bad place if you reject the offer later. 

If you want to wait and compare this offer to other schools, then tell them that. If you would take this offer (i.e., it's your first choice) unless something really unexpected happens (i.e., it's a really bad offer financially or something changes at the school), then tell them that, get early offers, and go to that school. 

Above all, respond honestly. 

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I HATE that. Someone put me on the spot in the same way last application season on a skype interview, and I was so blindsided I didn't know how to answer. The problem is that they were the first school to give me any decision, so I obviously didn't want to commit anywhere before hearing back from other schools. Basically, I got all rejections everywhere else, and a partial funding package from one school. By the time I got back to school A, they basically told me I had gotten stuck low on the waitlist and wasn't going to get in. (Hence my reapplying this year)

So learn from my horror story: unless you're positive you're a shoo-in with other programs, strongly consider taking them up on it. I've learned that universities will throw applicants under the bus if they don't express undying devotion from the get-go.

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3 hours ago, random_grad said:

 The story of "we have 3 other applicants who are above you who chose to wait" might not even be true but a way to push you into revealing your undercidedness. They know that if they make you an offer they will be legally bound to let you decide until april15 (if we re talking US). They do not seem to be playing it fair by sending emails like this.

This is in no way true, and it's really bad to spread this kind of misinformation. 

No school is under any legal obligation to give you until April 15th to decide. The CGS resolution is a general anti-poaching agreement among schools, but it's very much not legally binding, and there really aren't any ramifications for schools that give earlier deadlines. 

Additionally, it ONLY applies to financial offers, and not offers of admission. 

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It's worth noting that this gets even worse when you go on the job/post-doc market. If you get offers, you usually need to make a decision within 1-2 weeks, and timing is rare that you'll get them all at the same time. 

You get used to having to make snap decisions, rather than being able to weigh all your options at once.

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