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University of Chicago, Committee X


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Just a little section for the UChi waiters. I'm waiting on the Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science. Anyone out there hear anything yet? I think on Thursday or Friday I may give a call just to see where they are in the process.

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Thanks for starting this thread.

Has anyone heard anything from/about the Committee on Social Thought? I see that someone posted an Acceptance today, but did not give any details. I'm a little perplexed in particular, about "Other" being listed as the method of notification. What do you suppose that means?

If the person who posted that -- or anyone else -- has any info, I'd be very interested to hear.

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For those who applied, what kind of things are you into/what do you study? What is your academic profile like?

I do aesthetics, intersections of aesthetics and ideology, and the aesthetics of sociopolitical resistance. These days I am approaching aesthetics scholarship from a literary/art theory perspective moreso than anything else, but my undergraduate work was in the social sciences. I have an MA in English and a BA in political science, both from a prestigeous east-coast liberal arts college. I almost applied to doctoral programs in English last year, but decided that an English dept. isn't quite the place for me (the primary critique of my MA thesis was 'too much philosophy, not literary enough'). Now I'm finishing a second MA in Cultural Studies, and have applied to American studies programs in addition to the Committee. I like the Committee's strengths in aesthetics (Kant, Husserl), phenomenology, its combination of lit-critters and philosophers, and the defining Fundamentals Exam format. Oh, and interdisciplinary study is obviously very attractive, if not essential.

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I put a mini-dissertation on my area of study (history of information) over at http://forum.thegradcafe.com/viewtopic.php?p=9845#9845 . I have a BA from Sarah Lawrence College. I like CHSS because it would allow me to do interdisciplinary study - I can do history of philosophy as well as study an information science (ie cognitive psychology or information theory) in depth enough to earn an MS in it while I work toward the PhD.

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DAACTOR, I applied to the CIR program as well. I haven't heard anything yet, I contacted the admissions coordinator about a month ago because my online application page hadnt been updated. She responded that it was just a clerical error and they have everything they need from me, and that my application was already in committee. Where is your current location? Is CIR your first choice?

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Thanks for the note and the update, B. CIR is not my clear first choice, but it's the only IR program that I applied to and will be seriously considering it if I get in. I applied to two other MA programs (both MPA), just to diversify my "portfolio" a little. I went to a small liberal arts college in the east coast and my professors told me that CIR was one of the best places to go to if I wanted to do PhD in either economics or political science afterwards (I guess it's because of its analytical -- mathematical? -- rigor) there or elsewhere. I looked at the time from last year when they sent out their results (from this forum) and it seems like they send them out in the first week of March. That's why I am losing patience. I live in Philadelphia. How about you?

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Hey D,

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. CIR Is not my first choice either, but I'm very attracted to the program based on the length (1yr vs 2 for most). I also have heard that CIR is a good migration program for moving to a PHD. I had assumed that we would hear from CIR soon, since their application deadline was a bit earlier than the other programs I'm waiting on. I havent heard from any yet, nerve-wracking!!

Thanks for the note and the update, B. CIR is not my clear first choice, but it's the only IR program that I applied to and will be seriously considering it if I get in. I applied to two other MA programs (both MPA), just to diversify my "portfolio" a little. I went to a small liberal arts college in the east coast and my professors told me that CIR was one of the best places to go to if I wanted to do PhD in either economics or political science afterwards (I guess it's because of its analytical -- mathematical? -- rigor) there or elsewhere. I looked at the time from last year when they sent out their results (from this forum) and it seems like they send them out in the first week of March. That's why I am losing patience. I live in Philadelphia. How about you?
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Actually I heard from the Maxwell School at Syracuse U. that the faculty had recommended me for admission, but no official word from the office of graduate school admissions yet. It’s also a one-year program (in public administration). Re:migration, I heard the same things about the CIR as you did. Hopefully we will hear from them this week. Good luck! And be sure to post here if you hear from them. I will do the same.

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I'm waiting to hear from the Soc PhD prog...

If it makes anyone feel better, Chi is on quarters, and their spring quarter doesn't start until April. I've heard that their visit days are early in the spring quarter... therefore... ergo... blah blah blah... try not to be too stressed if you haven't heard anything yet.

I know sometimes depts have different visit weekends, but I feel as though I remember coming across that on one of the general sites...

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Hi guys.

I live in the city (Chicago) and, after a long wait, I got my letter from UofChicago's CIR program today. And somehow....I actually got in! This is my first choice and I really don't believe it.

Best of luck to everyone in this thread!

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The Soc PhD dept passed my application to the MAPSS (Masters of Arts Program in the Soc. Sciences) and apparently I was accepted! I don't have any info yet about funding/cost/etc., but she did say they will be sending out letters and invitations to the visit days very soon...

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Last year people talked a lot about how MAPSS is just a money-maker for U Chicago. Check the MAPSS thread in the Social Sciences forum.

As someone with direct knowledge, this isnt' strictly true. I know students who received a scholarship worth their entire tutition [they still had to make living expenses, but that isn't money that would be going to the school], so the picture is somewhat more murky than that.

I know people who had very good times there and who have parlayed it into full funding offers from some of the top programs in their field. I know some people who had a terrible time [social reasons playing a good part in this equation as well as academic]. It can be a mixed boat. I wouldn't choose it over a funded spot in a PHD program obviously, but if you don't have that it can be a good stepping stone; or it can educate you about why you don't want to do a PHD.

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Bill, I heard from the CIR and was accepted but with no funding. I have an offer from Syracuse for MPA with funding decision yet to come, so that basically rules out Chicago. If I have to pay I would rather go to Syracuse than Chicago. Good luck to you!

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I called on Monday the 5th asking when decisions would be sent out, and the secretary said "later this week". When I found out they'd been sent out Tuesday the 6th, I thought "well, it'll get here pretty soon". Now it's the 12th....and nothing in the mail yet. (I'm in the far southwest.) UChicago wouldn't send out letters only to people they've accepted, and leave the rejected people in the dark, would they?

I know I'm being impatient and paranoid....it's just that I'm 0 for 5 right now.

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