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International Master's Programs in Speech Language

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 I am interested in going to Germany, Norway, Sweden, France of Finland to study because they have free and top notch education. I would like to get my Master's Degree in Speech Language Pathology and already hold a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. I know there are thousands of programs taught in English in those countries. However, I am having trouble finding a Master's program in Speech Language taught in English. Anyone know of any?

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The only Master's of this kind I've heard of is in Barcelona. As I know, in most countries you listed, "Logopaedie" careers require the Bachelor's program. 

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 ASHA has a mutual recognition agreement with Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, and the UK. It allows people with masters degrees from those countries to have an easier time attaining certification in each country. So from what I've read, a degree in speech pathology from a non English speaking European country won't allow you to gain certification in America (it may however provide experience that graduate schools here would love).

Its just something to think about when looking for an international perspective. I'm not sure what tuition is like in most of the countries in the agreement. 


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In countries where English is a second language, speech therapy programs are going to be either bilingual or in the primary language. They are certifying you to do therapy in their country, the program isn't intended to train English speech therapists. The populations in those countries will require bilingual therapists so the program wouldn't be in all English. Not to mention the ASHA recognition @EESpeechie mentioned. I'd suggest looking into the mutual recognition countries if you're interested in studying abroad, although you still may have trouble finding a Master's level program that doesn't require a Bachelor's in CSD. I think students from the US have had the most luck with Australian programs from reading these forums!

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As @EESpeechie and @PinkSpeech noted, ASHA requirements plus the lack of English clinical placements would make an English-taught program in one of those countries impracticable.  However, if you are interested in speech and language disorders for the purpose of research rather than clinical practice, you might have a few options.  I haven't looked into it extensively, but I did find a Masters program in Clinical Linguistics at the University of Potsdam.  https://www.uni-potsdam.de/studium/en/what-to-study/masterstudium/master-a-z/european-master-in-clinical-linguistics-master/.  Unfortunately, I doubt it would translate into a certification in the US, but it would certainly make you stand out from the crowd if you later chose to apply to US grad schools.

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