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About the time you made the decision to go to grad school. =)

Honestly, I had two late (mid-April) acceptances last year, when I was applying. I know it's very, very difficult, but try not to worry too much. As long as you haven't received a rejection letter, there is still hope.

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I recieved an acceptance yesterday (waitlisted for funding :( so still more waiting to do ) and still haven't heard from my remaining 4 schools (Did an interview with one last week). Like Minnesotan said, if you haven't seen the rejection, keep hope alive.

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Hey, Minnesotan! I'm a minnesotan, too! :)

About the time you made the decision to go to grad school. =)

Honestly, I had two late (mid-April) acceptances last year, when I was applying. I know it's very, very difficult, but try not to worry too much. As long as you haven't received a rejection letter, there is still hope.

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I'm waiting on my 4. Haven't applied to anywhere super highly ranked - UConn, UDel, URI, UNH.

Haven't heard a thing, they all had deadlines of Feb 1st and my confidence slips by the day. I really thought I'd be a shoe-in at UNH too.

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At least you're aiming high. I hope you included a backup school or two.

Stanford was just a give a try school. I even only applied for their master program in stead of phd.

I also applied to UCSD, UCLA, USC, UCI, UCSB, and UMN. (I'm from UMN) All PhD program.

got rejected by UCSD and UCSB.

This is not looking good...

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I'm waiting on my 4. Haven't applied to anywhere super highly ranked - UConn, UDel, URI, UNH.

Haven't heard a thing, they all had deadlines of Feb 1st and my confidence slips by the day. I really thought I'd be a shoe-in at UNH too.

The saturday post has come and gone and still nothing. Nothing tomorrow, and then we're into the last week of March :(

This sucks so much. The one positive thing I have is that I haven't seen/heard anyone say they've heard from any of the schools I've applied to.

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I know what everyone means about this whole waiting thing. I thought for sure when I came back from spring break my mailbox would be overflowing with letters from graduate schools, but it turned out there were none. I go back and forth between saying that I don't care anymore to having this whole grad school thing be all I can think about. I've already been accepted at 2 schools and waitlisted at a 3rd, but am still waiting to hear back from 4 more, hopefully with money. I just want this whole process to be over with so I can figure out what I'm doing next year. On top of that, I'm finishing my last year as an undergrad and my senior honors thesis is due in 2 weeks. I don't think I've felt so anxious/stressed out/nervous/excited/miserable/ecstatic all at the same time before in my life! Good luck to everyone else still waiting! Hopefully this next week will bring some good news, although Sunday will be hard to sit through since there's no mail!

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Does UMN = U of M? Why so many California schools - you realize you would have to live there for at least two years, right?

yeah~ University of Minnesota.

otherwise, I applied for all CA schools. Yes, I do want to live there, not only for 2 years! :)

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The saturday post has come and gone and still nothing. Nothing tomorrow, and then we're into the last week of March :(

This sucks so much. The one positive thing I have is that I haven't seen/heard anyone say they've heard from any of the schools I've applied to.

Still nothing.

I'M GOING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Heard from the CS dept @ UNH via response to my email. Accepted, no funding :(

Said they only had 2 assistantships to offer, whereas they normally have at least 6. Just my luck :( They were my first choice too.

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