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Chem GRE and school list?



Hey everybody! I'm a rising senior applying for grad school in inorganic chemistry for Fall 2017. Brief resume:

Chemistry (ACS certified) and Chemical Engineering double major at small liberal arts college

GPA 3.86; chemGPA 3.75; GRE 166V/170Q; chemGRE 720 (56%)

2 summer's research experience, one at small liberal arts college, other at large state university (mid-20s ranked)

First author on 1 paper submitted to JPCA

Two questions: First, is my chemGRE low enough that I should retake it if I want to get into the best schools? Second, how does this school list look?

Top Tier: Caltech, UC Berkeley, UIUC

Mid Tier: Cornell, Princeton, Columbia

Third Tier: U Washington, U of M, Notre Dame


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