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So I am seeing on a couple applications that I can describe "are there any other unique factors that we should consider when evaluating your application" What do you guys think they are meaning by this? Is this an opportunity for people who may have low GPA/GRE/No research experience to explain why they are still a competitive applicant? My GRE scores (quant mostly) aren't stellar but I would hate to mention how I'm just not a good standardized test taker if that is not what the question is implying.


Any advice is welcome! Oh and good luck to all my fellow applicants who have applications due this week!



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I agree that this is often for people who have potential issues with parts of their applications to explain them. I find that it is better if there is a letter writer who can do that though...like, if your GRE quant scores are low it would help to have a stats professor say that the scores aren't a reflection of your potential in this area.

It could also be a place to explain your intriguing hobbies like amateur falconry ;)

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Usually the unique factors sections are for things like extenuating circumstances that could have impacted your performance in general. Like major things. This would be something like working full time to pay your way through school or a family illness or death that really impacted you in a major way. I don't really think that being a bad test taker is a good thing to put in this section. 

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On 11/27/2016 at 3:52 PM, t_ruth said:

I agree that this is often for people who have potential issues with parts of their applications to explain them. I find that it is better if there is a letter writer who can do that though...like, if your GRE quant scores are low it would help to have a stats professor say that the scores aren't a reflection of your potential in this area.

It could also be a place to explain your intriguing hobbies like amateur falconry ;)

Thank you for your insight! Luckily, one of my letter writers was my advanced psych stats professor (made an A, thank Jesus) and is aware of my anxiety about my scores

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