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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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What people should realize is that schools will often tell you that they aren't sending responses for a couple of weeks, even after a few people have already been admitted. UNC admitted some folks at the end of January and then at least one more this past Friday, February 5 (and I have to imagine that person was not the only one). I'm wondering if some schools admit some very well-qualified applicants earlier on and then have the adcom re-convene to make the tougher choices. That wouldn't be out of the question.

You were not the only one. However, I suspect this was a subfield thing, not a who's-better-than-whom game.

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You were not the only one. However, I suspect this was a subfield thing, not a who's-better-than-whom game.

Just to be clear, I wasn't referring to myself. I have yet to hear from UNC either way. I just noticed that only one person posted an accpetance on 2/5. That's who to whom I was referring.

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My predictions were a bit off last time, but here I go again:

Yale- based on last years and the deferred to Master's people like cpaige


UCLA- last year they gave out a few rejections this week

Some more Michigan acceptances

Those all sound plausible. I'm hoping for more Duke acceptances, and it's possible that Berkeley offers could be coming in later this week.

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Didn't Berkeley admit this week last year? I'm surprised more people aren't expecting they might notify this week...Also I just really want them to so that I can hear from SOMEBODY. Cause Princeton is not till at least next week and Toronto is not for a while probably.

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curufinwe, you wrote that you had been rejected from Northwestern. Is that just based on your not hearing from them on Thursday or did you actually get a rejection? (I know that most of the evidence points to Northwestern being done, but one can still hope...)

Based on last year, Berkeley could indeed send a few responses at the end of this week but it's cutting it close. Yale demonstrated last week that if we expect every school to respond at the same time as last year we are setting ourselves up for disastrous stress!

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I'm pretty sure I'm going to be disasterously stressed out regardless of my expectations of when I will hear from people. Until I hear from somebody, I'm just going to be a ball of nerves over here. I can't seem to distract my brain.

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Agreed. I'm going to call them today and find out when their admit weekend is, just in case. If I get in, I definitely am going to visit.

Oh... very exciting! I have been wondering about the timing of the admit weekends of Princeton and Harvard - if the offers come out late and people have to accept by April 15th then the time slots available for those weekends are quite limited, especially since you cant really book flights a couple of days before having to attend (at least not without significant costs)?!

Will you share what you found out?

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I did not get any notification whatsoever. When I saw the acceptances come in one after

the other on the results page, it was an obvious "no" for me :) I mean, from last years

results, I did not even see three acceptances on the same day. and when these acceptances

came not only on the same day but at the same 10 minutes, I am guessing they finalized

everything at once.

Some assumed it'd be only theory people that they were accepting this week and

maybe CP or AP would be next week... A friend of mine who is also a comparativist and applied to Northwestern called Will Reno, who is the grad coordinator, to ask about his results and learned that he got rejected. I called but he wasnt in his office.

And last word, at this point, one should not hope. It is more likely to hurt you :)

But then again, that's me.

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Oh... very exciting! I have been wondering about the timing of the admit weekends of Princeton and Harvard - if the offers come out late and people have to accept by April 15th then the time slots available for those weekends are quite limited, especially since you cant really book flights a couple of days before having to attend (at least not without significant costs)?!

Will you share what you found out?

Of course. :)

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Princeton and Harvard are very likely not until the the week after next. I'm hoping for Chicago this week, but I have a feeling we might be waiting until next week for that. I'm also hoping for a few more Duke acceptances.

Really? Last year Princeton notified admits on Feb 19 (Thursaday) and rejects Feb 20(Friday) and and if they do the Thurs-Friday thing again, that should be next week.

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Yeah, I mean, I don't think that last years dates are certainties, but I do think that they are guidelines. We are unlikely to hear from schools much before those dates. So I was thinking I can start looking out for Berkeley this week and for Princeton next....but it's always possible we won't know Berkeley till March 1st or Princeton till mid-March (the dates the department gives for "we will notify by...")

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Believe me. I feel you. I think I might have a stress-induced cardiac incident before then if I don't hear anything. Haha.

Hahaha. Yeah, same here. I think the adrenalin my body produces whenever I check my emails cannot be healthy!

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Hahaha. Yeah, same here. I think the adrenalin my body produces whenever I check my emails cannot be healthy!

Or worse, as someone who has gmail open all the time, when I see "Inbox (1)". Then it turns out to just be my mom...

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Or worse, as someone who has gmail open all the time, when I see "Inbox (1)". Then it turns out to just be my mom...

My horror starts with a red light flashing on my Blackberry... haha

I think we are all losing it! biggrin.gif

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