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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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anybody have an inside scoop on MIT or UCLA?

UCLA notified around this time last year, so we'll probably hear something before the week is out. I haven't heard anything from or about MIT, but I hope we don't have to wait until the end of the month for them. So yes, if anyone has any info they can share, please do.

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Who would pay a grad student $80,000 when they know we will work for peanuts. Honestly, I would just love to get into ANYWHERE right now. Even if they ivies don't become a reality, the safeties will be okay. I just want to hear SOMETHING!

And thanks for the g-mail tip. I check... nothing :(

If it were true, I would hate to be a Duke IR rejectee. That would fund 2 more students.

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No kidding! And if someone else in the dept found out? Wow. Well, if you guys roll up to Duke next year and see one of your fellow students driving a brand new BMV, then you may wonder if this is true. I just think that is a waste of funds.

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That's not what I'm seeing...it looks like one person has posted an acceptance, and it's gone unclaimed for days...

readeatsleep claimed a ND acceptance today, so that makes 2 acceptances. Not sure if that means they're done or not; guess we'll find out soon enough.

I am stressed out of my mind right now. I didn't really apply to a safety, and I'm getting rocked, though I think I have a good shot at Georgetown (funding there is a whole different matter). It also looks like UCLA admitted a large number of students last year but didn't fund all of them. Though if I'm not working as a TA, I guess I could cover living expenses working at a grocery store or something.

Edited by interista
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UCLA notified around this time last year, so we'll probably hear something before the week is out. I haven't heard anything from or about MIT, but I hope we don't have to wait until the end of the month for them. So yes, if anyone has any info they can share, please do.

i heard from a MIT prof that they are in the last stage of selections...my guess is that we will probably have something from them by next week.

...still waiting for my first acceptance, losing heart now.

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i heard from a MIT prof that they are in the last stage of selections...my guess is that we will probably have something from them by next week.

...still waiting for my first acceptance, losing heart now.

From last year's reported UCLA results:

14 accepted (5 waitlisted for funding, 1 admitted off waitlist)

9 rejected

5 waitlisted

not bad odds for a top program...stay hopeful!

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FYI, with MIT it appears that they notified some accepted applicants over the phone last year during the middle of the final week of February, with other applicants not getting any phone calls but finding Fed-Exed notices of acceptance in the mail towards the end of that week (and a few during the early part of the first week of March). Most of the other applicants were rejected via mail during the first week of March, and I believe one individual reported a waitlist letter during the second week of March. So yeah, basically it looks like this could be another one that will have people scratching their heads, but gives us an idea of what to expect in advance.

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That's fantastic!

Are you still going to visit Stanford or is out?

No, will definitely visit - already booked my flights. You? What is your top choice so far?

Congratulations on your offer too smile.gif

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I'm probably leaning towards Stanford at the moment but am still considering Michigan, UCSD, Berkeley, Princeton, and Rochester. Very hard decision.

It's a great position to be in SuddenlyParanoid; I am very impressed! What if Harvard gave you an offer (which they probably will)?

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Hi guys, will see you both at Stanford's Admit Weekend and perhaps at some other places.;-) You're guaranteed to love the campus and the department, did my undergrad there a few years ago.

Great! I am really excited about seeing the campus; I have never been.

What's your subfield?

I wonder how we will recognise each other at the admit weekends. It's a little awkward to walk up to someone and ask "Excuse me, are you "suddenly paranoid"?" "No, I'm fine actually." laugh.gif Might opt for a name tag.

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If I get into Harvard, it will be a contender too.

I assume I will recognize Oxon by his accent. Or did you lose it during undergrad?

Almost completely, since I went to secondary school in the UK as well. You should look for a female, though wink.gif.

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