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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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In at MIT, wait list for funding. Received a letter (FedEx) today. Letter was mailed yesterday, so it might take another day to arrive depending on where you live (I live in Boston). 360 applicants, 7% accepted.

Last year MIT overnighted the packages - is this how they sent it? You should be able to tell from the package.

This means that everyone in the states should get their package today. I believe that FEDEX delivers overnight packages by 3pm (we use it at work).

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Last year MIT overnighted the packages - is this how they sent it? You should be able to tell from the package.

This means that everyone in the states should get their package today. I believe that FEDEX delivers overnight packages by 3pm (we use it at work).

That's good to know. At least we'll know for sure. They still deliver the packages if no one is home, correct? It also seems a bit wasteful to send out all of those letters (360 of them!) instead of just using email, which is quicker and more efficient.

Edited by fromark17
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Obviously you should only apply to schools with a good fit. That goes with out saying. Much of this process is out of your hands and very random. You don't know ahead of time who will be on an admissions committee, which prof is "due" to get more grad students, how well a department is doing this year in regards to funding, what direction the department wants to go in, which faculty actually choose to work with graduate students, how many other candidates in your subfield (or specific research area) applied that year, how competitive the applying class is, or really even what kind of expectations each school has in terms of strength of application.

What I'm trying to say is that you really have to do your research. Example, Lisa Anderson is listed as a professor at Columbia, but she is currently the Provost at AUC in Egypt and rumor has it she won't be coming back. A professor could be on leave or about to go on leave and won't be part of the admissions process. It really is a crap shoot and I'm truly blessed that I was admitted early to a department I really like and who are really interested in my research. All I'm saying is the more you focus your research proposal in your SOP and demonstrate the connection between what you want to do and the research of a full professor in the department, the more you're upping your chances. I think that too many people are throwing their money away on 10+ applications. If the department doesn't really fit your research, then you probably don't fit the department.

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What I'm trying to say is that you really have to do your research.

Right, but I think that most of us have done this type of research. Obviously don't apply to Northwestern if you want to study formal theory. But, beyond that, it is important to apply to enough places to make sure that you account for the factors outside of your control. Unless you have a very, very specific topic (Central Asian political economy), then you should have a wide range of schools to apply to.

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What I'm trying to say is that you really have to do your research. Example, Lisa Anderson is listed as a professor at Columbia, but she is currently the Provost at AUC in Egypt and rumor has it she won't be coming back. A professor could be on leave or about to go on leave and won't be part of the admissions process. It really is a crap shoot and I'm truly blessed that I was admitted early to a department I really like and who are really interested in my research. All I'm saying is the more you focus your research proposal in your SOP and demonstrate the connection between what you want to do and the research of a full professor in the department, the more you're upping your chances. I think that too many people are throwing their money away on 10+ applications. If the department doesn't really fit your research, then you probably don't fit the department.

curiousgeorge, i agree with almost all of what youre saying, but none of it is mutually exclusive with the idea that there is a significant aspect of randomness involved in the process. and this randomness does not only involve YOUR SOP. for example, your reccommenders could say something that a committee member didn't want to hear, or simply be someone who a committee member doesn't like. additionally, there are often multiple students applying to work with the same few professors, and letting them all in would restrict the amount of space to let in other students who want to work with other professors within the same subfield.

i made the mistake of applying to a bunch of schools that do not fit my research interests. however, i was rejected from a school that is the best fit for me. if thats not random, i dont know what is. luckily, i applied to other schools that fit well and am on my way.

but describing this process as if its all predestined is nuts. contingency is a fact of life that cannot be eliminated through planning, research, etc.

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curiousgeorge, i agree with almost all of what youre saying, but none of it is mutually exclusive with the idea that there is a significant aspect of randomness involved in the process. and this randomness does not only involve YOUR SOP. for example, your reccommenders could say something that a committee member didn't want to hear, or simply be someone who a committee member doesn't like. additionally, there are often multiple students applying to work with the same few professors, and letting them all in would restrict the amount of space to let in other students who want to work with other professors within the same subfield.

i made the mistake of applying to a bunch of schools that do not fit my research interests. however, i was rejected from a school that is the best fit for me. if thats not random, i dont know what is. luckily, i applied to other schools that fit well and am on my way.

but describing this process as if its all predestined is nuts. contingency is a fact of life that cannot be eliminated through planning, research, etc.

I didn't intend to describe the process as predestined. I was rejected from a school that I thought was a fantastic fit. What I meant is that what I think gave me an edge in a horrible year to apply was the focus of my statement. Actually, when they called to accept me they said my SOP set me apart from everyone else and the professor kept mention things from my SOP. I just wanted to give the advice that the SOP can really make the difference when there a bunch of people with the same scores and same number of publications. I had three UN internships where I worked directly with ambassadors and three publications and all they wanted to talk about was my SOP. There is no one reason why you get accepted or rejected and sometimes it really is that there were too many great applicants. I just think the SOP is one of the best ways to make you stand out.

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No Fed Ex from MIT with today's mail out in California. Well, that leaves Minnesota and then the stressing can finally end!

Also, heads up for anyone who cared, UNC-CH sent me official rejection letter today, postmarked February 19. They're finally being official about it!

Edited by APGradApplicant
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No Fed Ex from MIT with today's mail out in California. Well, that leaves Minnesota and then the stressing can finally end!

Fed ex comes separately. Plus, don't worry until tomorrow. Maybe they dropped them off late in the day and didn't make the overnight deadline. We have only seen about three posts, but last year about 10 posted acceptances on the results board.

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Fed ex comes separately. Plus, don't worry until tomorrow. Maybe they dropped them off late in the day and didn't make the overnight deadline. We have only seen about three posts, but last year about 10 posted acceptances on the results board.

It looks like MIT did not mail until around 5pm. Don't know the overnight deadline to FedEx to CA, but I wouldn't stress until after tomorrow.

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It looks like MIT did not mail until around 5pm. Don't know the overnight deadline to FedEx to CA, but I wouldn't stress until after tomorrow.

The guy at my work claims that the overnight deadline is 4pm, so more should arrive tomorrow.

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Based on the number of acceptances we have seen across several subfields, I would guess that UCLA is done with acceptances. I know that they are reducing their normal class by about 1/2 to 1/3.

Just received a UCLA admission via email, so it looks like they are not done. I am going to withdraw my app, though, so if anyone has been waitlisted/not notified, there are definitely still some spots! It's a great program but I'm a New Englander and would die from that sun exposure :-)

Good luck to everyone!

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Well...Interesting day with MIT. I guess the next stop on the admissions train is Minnesota, which I have a feeling we're going to hear from on Thursday based on my phone conversation with Judith. Then we have Cornell and for some the people on here the GWU/Georgetown news, which I think should be next week. Anyhow, good to see it's coming to an end but I must say I'm going to miss the drama a little bit. Sometime next month I'll create a "News from the Road" thread where people can discuss visits, and maybe sometime early April will create a "Fall 2010, I'll be Attending..." thread for everyone to post where they plan to be. I can't believe we're this far along already!

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Well...Interesting day with MIT. I guess the next stop on the admissions train is Minnesota, which I have a feeling we're going to hear from on Thursday based on my phone conversation with Judith. Then we have Cornell and for some the people on here the GWU/Georgetown news, which I think should be next week. Anyhow, good to see it's coming to an end but I must say I'm going to miss the drama a little bit. Sometime next month I'll create a "News from the Road" thread where people can discuss visits, and maybe sometime early April will create a "Fall 2010, I'll be Attending..." thread for everyone to post where they plan to be. I can't believe we're this far along already!

In at Minnesota!

I heard via phone and it sounds like they are taking their time notifying people so I wouldn't think anything of it if you haven't heard yet.

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In at Minnesota!

I heard via phone and it sounds like they are taking their time notifying people so I wouldn't think anything of it if you haven't heard yet.

Congrats! What time of day was this? And also, what gave you the impression that they're taking their time? Finally, do you think the phone call as opposed to regular e-mail had anything to do with the fact that you're there as an undergrad already? Anyways, sorry to bombard with these inquiries but those were the things that came to mind...rolleyes.gif

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Congrats! What time of day was this? And also, what gave you the impression that they're taking their time? Finally, do you think the phone call as opposed to regular e-mail had anything to do with the fact that you're there as an undergrad already? Anyways, sorry to bombard with these inquiries but those were the things that came to mind...rolleyes.gif

It was afternoon. I know they are going to call everyone they admit (which is why it is taking longer) but also I do know the professor who called so that was probably the reason for it being so early.

Like I said, I wouldn't read anything into it just yet except that it looks like we won't have to wait until March 5th!

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out of curiosity - did you add columbia in your rejection category because you got an official rejection from them, or because you assume you were rejected because you didn't get accepted in the acceptance wave?

congrats on your acceptances, btw.

Just because I haven't heard anything yet...

And thanks!

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Question about MIT's funding:

I noticed someone wrote on the results board that MIT's funding is $21500 + $5000 for summers. Where in the letter does it say $5000 for summers? Because I don't recall seeing anything about summer funding, but perhaps some people got better packages?

I'd appreciate any info from other MIT admits

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