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Comparative Literature Programs

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Heather, I received a wait list notification from UCLA complex at the beginning of the month. Also, I highly doubt they will ask you to speak in your languages in an interview or give you any kind of proficiency test. You usually get evaluated on those at some later point when you're actually in the program. Although some programs have you take a proficiency test if you are planning to teach in those languages immediately.

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Thanks for the insight, I was worried I'd have to spend all weekend trying to filter the Spanish out of my Italian (this is what happens when you are an American fluent in Italian living in Southern California - the Spanish keeps creeping in). And congrats on getting on the wait list, I know someone in that program and she really liked it. I don't think I have the numbers for it, so I'm expecting a rejection soon. I wonder how it works with a wait list? This is my first time applying to grad school so I'm new to the whole system. What are your chances, you think, when you're on the wait list?

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Hey Heather,

I'm one of people who was accepted into UCLA's CompLit program. I didn't have any kind of interview, just got a surprising e mail a little over a week ago. I didn't have an interview for Umichigan either (the other program I've been accepted into), but they did require a foreign language writing sample along with my English writing sample for the application. My advice would be to e mail the department coordinator (Michelle Anderson has been my main contact) and ask a) if you can be updated on the status of your application and, B) ask if you are eligible to be put on a waiting list in case you are not accepted. You've just gotta be persistent. I'm waiting to hear back from UCLA about a fellowship for which I was nominated. If I don't get that fellowship, I probably won't accept UCLA's offer. But, to be fair, there's a big chance I'll end up accepting Michigan's offer anyway, as their program is slightly better for what I want to do. So, there will most likely be at least one open spot for someone on a waiting list. I hope you get in!



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Hi, thanks for your kind words and good advice. I spoke to Michelle on February 8, actually, and she said (bascially), "Don't call us, we'll call you within 2 weeks." So I figure if I don't hear anything by Feb 24, I'll give her a call and ask about the wait list. The truth is, I screwed up the timing with UCLA. I didn't contact any of the profs there who do research in my area until February 8, and by then many acceptances and wait list notices had already gone out. Honestly I just didn't realize how early I had to start the process. If I get rejected by all 5 schools I applied to this year, I'll definitely start contacting profs much earlier next year.

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Heather, I received a wait list notification from UCLA complex at the beginning of the month. Also, I highly doubt they will ask you to speak in your languages in an interview or give you any kind of proficiency test. You usually get evaluated on those at some later point when you're actually in the program. Although some programs have you take a proficiency test if you are planning to teach in those languages immediately.

This is something I wondered as well about interviews. I have a few languages under my belt, but I am a bit rusty, and would probably panic, then crash and burn if they gave me some kind of proficiency test on the spot. This is, of course, if I get an interview. Crossing my fingers hardcore for Notre Dame right now!

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  • 9 months later...

sadly, i'm not a comp lit person, so i don't really have anything to contribute. but: CSULB's comp lit department is holding its 48th annual conference 25 april 2013 - 26 april 2013, & the deadline for submissions is coming up in a couple weeks (friday, 28 december). if you're interested, check out the CFP.

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Oh man, I'm indecisive. But, I could see myself at all of these programs for one reason or another (and really, isn't comp lit all about being academically indecisive, in a sense) What follows is the list of "high aim, wide net" schools:







UT Austin



Penn State




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I have a similar looking list, though not nearly as long. I scratched Duke off my list out of an irrational fear of living south of New Jersey, but their literature program looks pretty amazing. Which one is your "dream program"? Berkeley and Brown both look very sparkly to me.

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Berkeley does look pretty sweet. Cornell's another big dream school for me. I think Northwestern's program would be an awesome fit, but what takes it out of "ideal school" status is nothing more than geography; I've lived in the Midwest my entire life and I'd like to get away from that for awhile, at least. Of course, there's a not-so-small piece of me that hopes i get into one, and only one, school.

Donthate, what are you planning to study?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, has anyone heard back from any comp lit programs? I am sweating bricks!  :wacko:

As I said in the other topic, I received the admission notification from University of Minnesota (Program in Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society). So I assume that the Program in Comparative Literatures made the offers too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone get an interview with the CUNY grad center program? Trying to figure out whether I should go to campus or do it via skype and of course if anyone has interview tips, I would love to hear them!!!

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