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Results Search Drinking Game


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The object of the game is to get as drunk as possible so you don't really care once the rejection e-mails start to roll in.

Take a drink every time...

A science program shows up, and you remember that you are in the humanities.

Someone posts an "Other" about a mass e-mail.

...two drinks if you received that e-mail as well.

A school that you have applied to shows up, and even though it's not your program your heart skips a beat.

A school that you have applied to shows up, and even though it's not your program you check your e-mail/voice mail on reflex.

A school that you have applied to shows up, and even though it's not your program you run to your mailbox to check for snail mail.

...two drinks if it's Sunday.

A program that you have applied to shows up as a rejection, you have no new e-mails, and you just get even more nervous.

A program that you have applied to shows up as an acceptance, you have no new e-mails, and you want to die inside.

You bookmarked the RSS feed for just the programs you applied to.

You bookmarked the RSS feed for programs you wish you had applied to, so you can torture yourself if you Would Have Known earlier.

Someone posts a rejection with a note expressing bitterness.

...Two drinks if it's, "Their loss."

Someone posts that they received a notification a program is accepting only one applicant this year.

Someone posts a result from a program without rolling admissions whose deadline has not yet passed.

There is a forum post asking, "Who posted this result?"

There is a results search listing that asks, "Who posted this result?"

...Two drinks if it asks for GRE and GPA.

You are waitlisted at a program, and someone posts they were accepted there but are turning it down.

Someone posts a result for a subject you have never heard of.

Someone posts a result for a subject you are fairly sure does not actually exist.

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Someone posts a result for a subject you have never heard of.

Someone posts a result for a subject you are fairly sure does not actually exist.

This keeps happening to me! Especially the ones that are just initials. What's that all about? Also, I'm loving the Jack Harkness quote...

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I LOVE this! You totally nailed all of my anxieties/moments of panic and desire to drink myself into a stupor in which it all doesn't matter. Although Jessebee has a point -- there are way too many times that I'd have to take a drink, that I would probably die before I got accepted at my top choice.

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Love it!!

Adding a couple, if you don't mind ;)......

- Someone posts a result for the subject/field you applied to and your heart stops until you realize you didn't apply to that institution.

- Someone posts a result as "Other by Other" just to say "To the poster below who heard from XYZ..."

(two drinks if you were the previous poster in question)

Edited by jordy
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The object of the game is to get as drunk as possible so you don't really care once the rejection e-mails start to roll in.

A science program shows up, and you remember that you are in the humanities.

A school that you have applied to shows up, and even though it's not your program your heart skips a beat.

Hahaha, this happens to me daily. I see some of my top schools postings results and I just freeze in panic...then realize I'm applying for English, not Aerospace Engineering.

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I finally got the "die inside" one today.

No word = drinking tonight anyway. Oh well, just one program. But this is quite possibly the best idea ever. I think the amount of "other" posts requesting GRE info went up exponentially after this - gave them the idea :)

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can only assume that most of the humanities ad comms are playing this game as well. They certainly don't seem to be in any sort of rush to process applications (although, if my current department represents the standard, we've taken to leaping wildly over the mountain of envelopes that began overflowing the inboxes in December. It's a bit like the giant Jiffy Pop in the movie Real Genius. If they don't start reading these things soon, the pile will eat the copy machine and I'll have to resort to teaching with hand-puppets instead of hand-outs).

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