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Playwriting MFAs


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lavendercloud -- There is still a place to upload a second play to UCSD on their application website, and that fact  THREW me for a bit, but it's great they don't ACTUALLY want a second play. (I contacted the department to confirm; I'm guessing the submission portal for a second play is a remnant of scaffolding from last year's submissions process...?)  Anyway, their program looks stellar.  

I am confident in the play I am submitting to Yale, and the others.  Well... as confident as one can be about sending out years of work to a person you've never met so they can pass judgment...  HA!  What a crazy process this is, really, right...?  I am, however, slightly worried about the questions of possible ageism brought up in earlier posts.  I wonder if Ms. O'Hare legitimately prefers the younger crowd.  Not much I'll be able to do about it, outside of shine a lantern on the issue in my essay and try to use it to my advantage therein.

Regarding my letters of rec for Yale:  2 of them are going to be great. But I wonder if the third is even going to get written, and if it does, whether it will MAKE it to the department.  In retrospect, I would have asked a different actress friend.  (The current choice is realllly busy right now, swept up on a new TV show...)   Ah well...


BUT -- The Yale application is in!


My Juilliard application has also been sent !  


So when do the rejections begin...?  lol


That is GREAT that your friend is so happy at Brown!  As I have stated, I don't think I could thrive in that environment.  VERY HAPPY she seems to be doing so well there, though!


I read that you are "Still working on [your] UCLA personal statement...why are these things so hard??"  Yeah.  The essay I am working on for UCSD is the University's statement of Purpose.  I sound like an idiot in it.  Gonna try to address that in the coming weeks...lol...


Is anyone in love with UCLA's program?  If so, why?  I haven't researched it enough to say for myself yet...  (But I have begun an application there).


Okay, the ambien began to kick in somewhere in the middle of this post, so hopefully it's coherent...lol...  Nighty night

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Just thought I'd start posting - been following this thread for years, but this year I'm actually applying! Just submitted my application for Yale. Think that my list of possible schools is:


University of Iowa


Carnegie Mellon

The New School


Contemplating Juilliard but it seems that you really need an MFA already to be accepted? Or at least the people I know who have gone there have already completed an MFA...

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I just applied to UCLA.  Literally just now.   I was really excited to see that there are, like, 96 elective credits and I can take all the screenwriting classes I want.  (The screenwriting MFA deadline was NOVEMBER 1, damn it!)

iamnonightbird:  I know two women who recently went through Juilliard's program who did not have MFAs.

I think there is probably no magic formula to any of this...  But the odds, alas, are definitely stacked against all of us, statistically speaking.  Still, statistically speaking, SOMEONE has to get in, I guess, right...?

In other news, I saw LOST LAKE today...  John Hawkes is giving one of the most detailed, lovely, deep performances I have ever seen.  Right up there with Mark Rylance in JERUSALEM, for my money.  The play itself.... doesn't really rise to the level of "play" and was more of a character study, in my not-so-humble opinion.  (And Tracie Thoms's character is NOT as well written and has only a fabric of circumstance supporting her, rather than a lot of character detail, in my opinion, again.  Boy, I am just chock full of opinions...lol.)  Still -- it is TOTALLY worth seeing if you are in and around NYC.  Hell, I would go AGAIN just to hear  Mr. Hawkes say the line "It was a day when anything was possible."  He is just unbelievably magical...


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Hi All ... Wondering if anyone has more information about the following:


Columbia--Any current students (or friends of current students) who are taking class with Lynn Nottage and/or David Henry Hwang? How is the program now that they are there?


The New School--Obviously Christopher Shinn is there and a big deal, and I see some of the other faculty members listed on the website, but does anyone know who playwrights would likely be taking class with during the first year?


Brown--Aside from Erik Ehn, who are the playwrights taking class with -- are there any other actual playwriting professors?


Just finishing up some applications for this year's round and would appreciate any insight. Thanks, guys!

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Singsalot: I know that the Brown class takes directing with Trinity Rep in their first year. Marcus Gardley is also on the faculty (OMG AMAZINGNESS). You can find more info about faculty on the website, I believe.


Um, does anyone know whether Michener takes a resume? I'm tempted to just upload one under the guise of "miscellaneous admissions document" because while I listed internships and awards on the form, there's more that I want to make sure they see (readings, productions, teaching experience, etc), and I don't have time to talk about it in a 350-word personal statement! I think a resume is a pretty central part of the application so I'm slightly confounded that I don't see a mention of it anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW. I am in shock. Not sure how I missed that Yale had changed their deadline - I thought I'd double-checked all the deadlines for this year just in case - but it was December 1 this year?? I had it down as January 2, which is apparently now only the acting deadline. Not sure when they updated that but I completely missed it. Soo no Yale for me...that really sucks! I was so excited about it after visiting too! I'm kind of devastated right now :/ And I'd seen people posting on here about already submitting to Yale and just thought it was weird that y'all were doing it so early - I didn't even consider that the deadline had mysteriously changed.


UCSD requires a Statement of Purpose and a two-page essay about yourself and your interest in playwriting (see req'ts here: http://theatre.ucsd.edu/academics/gradAdmissions/PlaywritingApply.html). SOP is more about your plan for grad school and the essay can include your philosophy, background, whatever you want.

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@lavendercloud -- sorry to hear that. I was surprised when I saw how early the deadline was. Seems like a few schools have pushed theirs up ... anyone know why? I wonder if that means we'll be hearing earlier from some of them.


Also, to any Yale applicants -- have you received email confirmation that your application was received? It shows online for me that it was, but I was expecting some sort of email confirming receipt ...


Hope everyone had happy holidays!

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Also! Is there anyone currently at Indiana Bloomington (or anyone who has been a finalist/interviewed there) with more info about the program? It seems like a really interesting place with nice production opportunities ... Just haven't heard that much about it.

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Checked in w/ my recommenders to see if they had suggestions regarding the missed Yale deadline, and they told me to email Jeanie, which I did. Woke up to one of the best emails ever:


"We knew that the change in date would trip a few people up and we are happy to make an exception with your application.
There are two others who will be submitting their applications on January 2nd (the original deadline). Please feel free to submit your application any time up to that date.
Happy Holidays
Best wishes
So if anyone else made that mistake - get in touch! Seems like they anticipated mix-ups and are prepared to accept a few late applications.
As for Indiana, while I don't know any students there I've definitely heard good things, including from the current playwright-in-residence at Indiana Rep, who's familiar with the program. With one student a year I believe it's the smallest program out there, and for the Midwest it's actually a decent location, only two hours from the Actors Theatre of Louisville and four hours from Chicago. The money's also decent. Maybe this is all available on their page, so I'm not sure how helpful this info is, but I think it's absolutely worth applying to.
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All of the applications are in for me, now!  Juilliard; Yale; UCSD; UCLA 

If I don't get in anywhere, which is obviously more likely than not given the basic rules of statistical probability, I think I will apply next year to the UCLA screenwriting program.  

LAVENDER CLOUD -- Great that Yale allowed you to take a bit longer.  I presume you got it in, since the extended deadline was yesterday...?  What did you end up doing regarding the resume/Michener?  I AGREE that it is a big part of the application and it sounds like if you addressed all of your experience in your essay, well...  You'd be writing a bio rather than an essay...lol...

Best of luck to all!  I am off to finish writing a script.  Well, I am a long way from finished.  Only about 1/3 of the way through the first draft.  But I churned out 6 pages so far today!


Looking forward to see if any of us gets in, when we will be finding out, etc.  BREAK LEGS, ALL!!!

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Hey writers, 

I was a regular in this forum a couple of years ago. I don't know what got into me tonight and decided to check how things are going on in here.

THIS FORUM WAS MY BIBLE. And I'm so glad to see it's still running and helping writers all over.

I'm currently in my second year Indiana University's MFA playwriting program. Some of you were asking on more info about it:


I think there are two main things that make this program worth it.

1. The Money.

 IU gives you full tuition plus a very generous stipend (16K-ish a year) in exchange for an assistantship.

2. The Opportunities of Production

Because the program accepts only one writer a year, they are not only able to fully fund them, but also guarantee a MainStage production on the playwright's second and third years (I'm actually on a break from doing re-writes to my second year script which will get cast in two weeks, start rehearsals in February and go up in April).


I'd truly recommend looking into applying here. The program is ran by Ruth McKee. 


Hope you all get your deadlines in! 

Keep writing!



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For people applying to UCSD: How did your personal statement and your essay differ?? It seems like both could cover the same sort of ground and I'm not finding their website very illuminating. Trying not to repeat myself!!

Otherwise I've got Yale, CMU, and the New School apps in. Tweaking UCSD and University of Iowa.

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iamnonightbird: I'm not sure how much of the forum you've read through - I think I've answered that question, and I was a finalist there last year so I guess I was on the right track. In my playwriting essay I went into how I got into theater and writing, what being a playwright means to me, and why and how I write. The statement of purpose was much more focused on why I want to go to grad school and why UCSD in particular, and my goals as a theater artist. Last year I went a little more into my post-college training in my SOP but because they also have the "what have you been doing since college" question and they already know me, I'm not focusing on that as much (except for what I've been doing in the past year). Both can be very personal but I'd say the playwriting essay should be more so. Keep in mind that, although they ask for a four-page essay and two plays on the application, they're only requiring a two-page essay and one play now according to the website requirements (but they will accept more if you want to submit it).


I still have Iowa and Indiana to finish and haven't decided for sure about USC and Stonybrook; I dropped the UT Austin-Theatre dept program this year. I tend to over-apply to try to cover all my bases but I know I'm a strong applicant this year so I'm trying not to stress out too much. I've submitted UCLA, Brown, Michener, and Yale and in the process of wrapping up the UCSD app. Mostly just super-nervous and wanting to start hearing back soon... 

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Thanks for the information @themirandatragedy. So glad to hear you're having a positive experience at Indiana. It seems like a great program. Thought a lot about applying but ultimately have many ties in New York and hoping not to leave the general area.


Mostly done -- just one more application to finalize that requires hard copies to be mailed in by 1/15. Also wishing we would start hearing back soon but we only just sent the applications in! Where did everyone choose to apply to?


@lavendercloud ... Stonybrook's program seems interesting and cool. I thought about applying but (from what I could tell) a lot of the core classes required seem very geared toward teaching, which I'm not as interested in. Would have loved to apply to Iowa but again, it's super far from NY ...

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@Princess .... Brooklyn College. If anyone knows more about the program I'd be interested to know. I've heard good things but it's difficult (at least for me) to find a lot of info other than it's run by Mac Wellman & Erin Courtney.

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I've heard Bklyn College is a strong program but that, structurally, their entire grad theater department is a bit disorganized.  (There are tales on this board of applications getting found in drawers, etc...)  But I know a few people who went there and said that -- like all programs and most of life's endeavors, really -- you get out what you put in...  The folks I knew who have gone there really liked it, over all, and thought they grew a lot from having gone there.  And... if you are a New Yorker, the price is right for that program, ya know...?

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Yeah.  I am singing the Jeopardy theme song, here.  Just waiting...

Has anyone seen anything really great lately?  On the stage, I mean.  (Or movies and TV.  I mean, there is GREAT writing happening on TV right now, you know?)

I am looking forward to catching AN OCTAROON on stage this time around, here in NYC.  (It was at SOHO Rep last year).  

I am seeing The Fiasco/Roundabout production of INTO THE WOODS next week.  I saw ON THE TOWN, which, from a writing standpoint, is like a string of jewels that will never quite make a necklace.  Fabulous production, though.  Stellar performances.

Has anyone read or seen DISGRACED, which won the Pulitzer last year, I believe it was...?  I need to decompress about that one...

Anyway -- I am looking forward to hearing what people have seen that they loved...  Chatting about good things is a great way to pass the time while we wait...

Sure does beat that aforementioned Jeopardy theme...  Which is still playing in the back of my mind, of course...

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Princess: I ended up uploading the resume to Michener as an additional document.


Got down to the wire with the Iowa app and ended up submitting something very unfinished as my second play, but what can ya do - I'd already paid the submission fee and everything. Gonna be even harder to pull it out for Indiana because I have to expand this new play into a full-length by Feb 1...eek!

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Lavender Cloud -- GO GIRL!  (Or guy.  Honestly, I forget people's genders on here, and the mario brothers-inspired screen name I chose means everyone's calling me princess now, so.  What can you do...?  Also, I have been accused (accurately?) of being a princess in the past, so... wheee!)


Smart move on uploading the resume as an additional doc.  More info on you is probably better.  

Anyway -- WRITE, write write, LavenderCloud!  You can do it!  (FYI, I have been writing all weekend for this thing I was hired to do.  It's amazing how fast 40 pages can pile up when you simply do not care...  


The play will be harder, I know.  As you do, indeed, care...  Anyway, I am sending you psychic support, wherever you may reside!

Something that just occurred to me is:  FAFSA/financial aid applications are due soon.  Oy freaking vey...

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Been stalking this blog for a while. Decided to finally post and apply!


I've turned all my apps in to:




UT Austin




Now the waiting game...


I've been hearing a lot around admissions that graduate applications are down across the country.  I guess this helps with the odds of getting in? 


Also does anyone know about the funding info about UCSD? From what I've read the first year is not funded, but year two and three are? 


Good luck to everyone! I assume this board will see more activity closer to interviews/acceptance times.

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