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Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to know if anyone has heard about or have any experience with the Idaho program led by Robert Caisley? 


I'm particularly interested in their off-campus program. Any feedback would be great.


Many thanks and hope everyone is getting/feeling positive about their applications.

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No news for me yet. 2 down, 5 to go. I know someone who got an interview at Columbia, but still haven't heard and my status hasn't changed. It's not over until it's over, right? For Yale, I know directors have heard of their acceptances and actors have heard about callbacks, but that's a very different system. 


Does anyone have any deets about the Columbia program since it's now being headed by David Henry Hwang? I know there are some strong opinions about the program, but I assume it changes with the transitioning from one head of the program to another. I've met him and he's a super nice guy with really interesting takes on the form which led me to apply again this year.


Also, anyone seen any great productions lately? I have to admit, I've been a bit of a hermit working on my writing this year and haven't seen a lot at all. 


mcw98, that's awesome you were the finalist for the Jerome as well as making it to the second round of Juilliard. When did you hear about your status last year?

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Hi Barista, I got an email from them on 4/15.  Just re-read it.  It was a vague email saying my play was still under consideration and that even though semi-finalists and finalists had been chosen, the admission process was still continuing - may or may not be called for an interview.  So... not a semi-finalist or finalist but somewhere else in the pool of consideration.  Got the rejection 5/1. 

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mcw98 -- did they ask for your transcripts during that process?  Just curious...

I, too, am in a similar boat, as you...  (Late 30s.  credits, laurels, etc.)  Wondering if ALL these programs are mainly geared toward folks just outta undergrad, etc.  As you said, though...  There is just no way to tell  for sure...

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LAVENDERCLOUD -- I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU, LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You ROCK that interview!  I know that you will.  Sending you great vibes and lots of love!

Also -- AMAZING news about the solicitation! ROCK ON!!!!

Yeah, seriously.  YALE is way, way late...  Unless NOBODY on here knows anybody who HAS been contacted by Yale this year.  Which seems statistically unlikely.  Anyway -- if someone has heard something about Yale, please chime in.  (I am talking to you lurker looky-loos!  lol...)

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First off, I wanted to give kudos to all of you. Applying for an MFA can be such a brutal process (I've done it in years past), and it takes cojones to put yourself out there. 


Secondly, Yale has phoned people for interviews. They are happening next week. I hate being the bearer of crappy news, but there it is.


Thirdly, on the Juilliard front- I was a finalist last year and I got my email about the interview on 4/15/14, second interview in May, and my rejection by the end of May. It was such a fucking blow...I wanted it really badly. I mean, we all do. 


Hope that helps give a better sense of timing- I know how brutal it can be. 



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Zissou: thanks for the update! I was guessing that Yale had already scheduled interviews but just needed confirmation.


And I'm not even upset because I woke up to one of the most ridiculous, unexpected emails of my life, from an agent who wants to read my play. Basically what happened is that my play was being discussed on the LMDA listserv (mainly by two dramaturgs I've worked with), which is how yesterday's solicitations came about, so he got in touch to find out if I'm looking for representation and...WTF I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START HOW IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING.


And my recommender, who has wonderful things to say about Ohio, put me in touch with the Alliance/Kendeda winner who went there, so we're going to talk soon and he can answer any questions I have about the program. The phone interview still hasn't been scheduled, and it looks like Ohio doesn't typically fly out candidates for a visit, but I'll keep y'all updated for sure! Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you too!

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That is amazing- who is the agent (if you don't mind my asking), and dramaturgs are the most magical people (bless those little unicorns). I've heard good things about Ohio, it is supposed to be an amazing program. Break Legs!


Has anyone interviewed at Yale in years past? I'm slightly pooping my pants. Any intel would be helpful. I know they take 3 and they interview 12-15. 



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I did apply this year, and I do have an interview. I only applied to Yale and Juilliard (as I am a masochist). Those are the programs I am really excited about- so I just gunned for the two.


I have a good friend that applied to Brooklyn College. Has anyone heard on that front?

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Oh well. Good to know about Yale. Also, congrats, lavendercloud! 


I have a Skype interview with Northwestern next week. I'm excited but have reservations because it's so expensive. I was really hoping a better funded program would come through. I had my hopes set on Ohio in that regard, but it looks like I didn't make the shortlist. Le sigh. 

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So- I'm only applying to granted (or nearly all granted) programs, and I know from being in the New York scene that there are a couple of names that really open doors...Juilliard and Yale. There are so many wonderful MFA programs out there, but these two seem to fit my needs a bit better. It would also crush me to get into a great MFA program, and then not be able to (or willing to take out huge loans to) go there.


As far as what I submitted- the work is more mature, more sparse. I still feel like it's a crap shoot as to who you get as a first reader. Last year for Juilliard I submitted an NYIT award winning play, but it didn't cut the mustard. Coincidentally, last time I applied to Yale I used that same piece and was rejected straight off. This year's play is not as polished by any means, but it is an attention grabber. It's a ghost story set in coastal Maine. I'm hoping it takes me through all the way. We shall see. Fingers Crossed.

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Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Playwriting is so strange -- who responds to what, something one person loves another person hates. Of course, all that matters is that you end up somewhere that people like your stuff -- so this is a good sign for you Zissou! Congrats!

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