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I also heard from Iowa yesterday - I got in! Totally over the moon overwhelmed. It's been my dream school since I left undergrad but since this was my first year applying I didn't have high hopes. Should hear more next week about details/financial support, but I got it!


I was also accepted at Carnegie Mellon, but rejected from Yale/radio silence from UCSD and the New School which makes me 99% sure that's also a no, so I was pretty sure CMU was the only place I was getting in this year - the program there seems great, but it's only two years and since I feel like this is probably my final degree, I'd like to make sure I get the most out of it as possible/take the time I need. So thrilled to make Iowa - though it is a little daunting (but also exciting!) to think about moving to the midwest for 3 years...

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Iamnonightbird: CONGRATS! That's amazing! A former student of mine was just accepted there for fiction and I'd love to go visit her at some point if I get the chance. Are you going to visit? How long do you have to decide?

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Congrats Cardinal and Iamnonightbird!

Sorry to hear that Zissou.

I got back from San Diego Last night. I was there from Wednesday to Saturday. I was jam packed with meetings, lunches, rehearsals, sitting in on classes, productions meetings, etc. I was exhausted. Still a little tired. Everyone was lovely. The campus is beautiful It's a little isolated for my taste, but perfect for 3 years of focus and writing.

Naomi is a lovely human as well as Allan. I didn't meet Deborah Stein, the newer faculty, she was out of town.

The playwrights were mostly from New York or Chicago. One from San Fran. They were all very informative and nice. Two of the graduating playwrights won Kennedy awards. And one of them won the Paula Vogel Award.

The program is centered around the time to write. You take two courses and teach one or two classes, or work in the office for your stipend around 2000 a month. Though they tell me the summers are hard financially. They give you travel money every summer. AND a 1000 to 15,000 dollars for your transition from grad school to the "real world". So you accrue no debt from this program. Great subsidized graduate housing.

Each year you get a production in the Wagner New Play Festival. I saw some rehearsals. A great diversity of material and as the department in general is very diverse culturally and racially, the playwrights are all white. Which I thought was odd. But from Naomi, it is something that is very important to them in creating. They also have a great diversity scholarship.

It's a great place and program and would love to go there. Since I was the last applicant of 5 out to visit, decisions will be made by this Monday. EKK!!! So I'l be very anxious tomorrow. Also, I was told that 3 people that have been offered spots at UT/Michener have also been interviewed by UCSD. So I may or may move up that Michener waitlist........though I'm doubtful and won't get my hopes up.

I know I'm forgetting some stuff, so if anyone has anymore questions, let me know!

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As far as funding, UCSD. You'll leave with no debt. You have a good stipend for all three years. And I have a possibility of more funding with the diversity scholarship.

UT, not Michener, will give you a stipend but starting in the second year, I believe, so you have to get loans if you don't have cash saved up. The stipend also isn't very much. They do try to give you scholarshis, fellowships, TA-ships, and work study. And you don't have to pay tuition, which is a large chunk- but pretty inexpensive at UT. But it just doesn't add up to the same as UCSD.

Either way, I'm in good hands. So we'll see tomorrow...lol..

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Tate, I'm crossing my fingers SO HARD for you for UCSD. I definitely should've spilled more details when I visited last year... though I don't think most of those numbers were mentioned to me, except the $10,000 you get when you graduate. To clarify summer money: I was told you go to the O'Neill conference your first summer as an observer (not sure how much money you get but your costs are at least covered) and the second summer you get about $2,000 to travel.


Honestly, I'm still pretty bummed about getting passed over for UCSD this year. It's such a fantastic program and I let my hopes get way too high for it. I'm definitely still excited about Ohio (accepted my offer!) but since I can't afford a visit and I wasn't even considering it until the last couple months, it's definitely a process of adjusting my expectations.


Heard back from Seven Devils - it was my first time applying and I got a no. Anyone else apply there this year?

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Hi All.


Wondering if anyone has heard anything from Brooklyn College? Is it at all possible they still haven't contacted people yet? Seems unlikely but ...


Tate -- thanks for the info. Is is correct that Michener, with their stipend, does not make you teach any classes?

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Is it appropriate to email about admission decisions yet? 


Yeah, at Michener, you aren't required to teach. Just lay around in all your money.

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My good friend that applied (who I think has a really good shot at going) hasn't heard a peep from Brooklyn yet. I think there's still hope! Fingers crossed for ya!

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Finally got an email from Naomi in the middle of the night. Saw it on my phone and couldn't resist reading it at 3:40am. I'm the second alternative. Not gonna lie, a little disappointed. BUT, I moved up to 1st on the Michener wait list. So one more person down and I'll be in! lol. 


Not that UT is an amazing program and great school and city. AND I don't want to sound ungrateful. I just DO NOT want anymore debt. I went here for undergrad and got an exceedingly high amount of debt from the same department I'm returning to. 


Either way, I'll be going to grad school next year! Very excited!!!


Who knows what can happen in the coming weeks! Light candles, saying prayers and the lot for Michener. 

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For those waiting to hear back from Brooklyn College, here's what the administrator told me when I emailed to ask about their timeline: 
"The playwriting admissions process is currently ongoing. We aim to notify playwriting applicants within the next two weeks. Many thanks for your patience!"
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Tate: wow, what a rollercoaster this process has been for you! I'm so sorry about UCSD. It's a gem and to keep it intimate they take tiny classes of people. I'm sure your connection with Naomi will still be beneficial in the future, though!


As for Michener, I'm assuming the reason you moved up is that someone accepted to UCSD already accepted that and said no to Michener? Or do you think they might have gone somewhere else and there's still a chance someone else will ditch Michener for UCSD? Hard to know at this point but I'd definitely be curious if I were you! It's not an offer that many people walk away from but when they do, they have very good reasons.


Crossing fingers for all of you waiting on Brooklyn! Genericincognito, how does that timeline look for you? Would you take Brooklyn over Ohio? And how long do you have to decide on Ohio?

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Yes, it was a great honor to be considered. Really! All the faculty sent me really good notes.

Yeah, I think that someone went to UCSD. I heard about the wait list yesterday. The day decisions were to be made for UCSD. Apparently 3 people that got an offer from UT and/or Michener also were interviewing with UCSD. So I hope that the other goes to UCSD. It really is a good program with AMAZING funding. Or they go to another offer.

UCSD is a good reason to leave Michener. And I was asked that speficially from a faculty member at UCSD. I told them I would have to think about it before I make a decision. I assume UCSD and UT/Michener steal people from each other.

At this point, I think UT is the best for me. Things happen for a reason! And I'm hoping for Michener. I'm so close. Lol. But what will happen will happen. I'm in a good place now.

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Zissou, so sorry you didn't get into Yale. Let's hope Juilliard comes through.


I've been reading this board for two years but have never posted. It's amazing how invested you can get with candidates you don't even know. I love the high spirits and hopes that emanate from the thread. All of you should be applauded for writing, for getting these plays in for consideration and just for being ambitious.


I will say the rejections never stop, no matter the level, so in many ways this whole process is just the first taste of much of what is to come in this industry. Tenacity is key.   


I've always toyed with applying for playwriting programs (hence my discovery of this forum), but I'm not sure exactly what I'd get out of it, and since I already have one graduate degree (in a completely unrelated field), I'm loathe to get another. (And I refuse to go in debt again, especially to work in the arts.) I'd love to be around other writers, and to be immersed with fellow students who love theater as much as I do, and to learn from some greats, cause you can always learn. But nothing, and I mean nothing, can compare to actually seeing your show up and running in front of an audience. That's where the most learning happens: how actors make choices, how designers and directors interpret your script, even how producers evaluate your material.


So whatever you think will lead you best to getting productions is the way to go. 


Maybe I'll apply this fall. Just to see. 

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@lavendercloud, No, I'm not going to wait for Brooklyn College. The vagueness of the response and the lateness of their timeline makes me think that admitted applicants have already been notified anyway. Besides, Ohio wants an answer by next week. 

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Hey Guys. I've been reading this for the past few weeks and thought I'd finally chime in. Reading everyone's comments has all been very insightful and I give a lot of credit to those of you who have been applying for multiple years. The process has been very intense and stressful and this is only my first time. I applied to 10 schools and was a finalist at UT Austin, NYU, Columbia, UCLA and Ohio. I was pretty bummed out when I found out today that I didn't get in or at least wait listed at UT Austin, especially since there were so few finalists, but about ten minutes laterI found out that I got into NYU with a full scholarship, and am first on the waitlist at UCLA, so I'm confident things all have a way of working out for the best. I still haven't heard anything from Brooklyn either. From what I hear they are pretty slow and disorganized, so it is possible they haven't sent out acceptances yet... although I totally get not wanting to wait around for them either. Ohio's program is awesome too. I visited last week and really liked what they are doing there. I also need to remind myself that being a finalist at five schools is great and I had a lot of fun visiting the different schools and meeting fellow playwrights and theater artists. 


Anyways, best of luck to everyone!!

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I agree with the struggles of applying but of course the highest congratulations to those who have gotten in.

Update on my end, it seems rejected from all programs but I did just get an internship interview at Portland Stage so I can't be too down.

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Hi everyone, I've been lurking here for a while now, just trying to get a sense of the different programs I'm applying to.  Thanks to everyone who's chimed in so far!  I'm posting now because I need help.  I was admitted to both NYU and USC (for dramatic writing) with funding, and I'm trying to get a sense of the two programs' reputations, or any other information y'all might have.  I've heard that USC is lesser known but better mentoring with a smaller class and more production opportunities, is that true?  Any feedback would be helpful!  

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Congrats @sparklmoshn. I don't know much about USC, but yes, NYU does not produce your work and I believe there are 8 playwrights, 8 screenwriters and 8 tv writers per class. So from what I have been told, if you're looking for a small environment with production opportunities, then NYU is not a good fit.

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Hey folks joining the conversation late here but was hoping to get some advice. I am debating between NYU and USC. I know Tisch is the more established program and that USC has been around for ten years, but the class size of three makes USC more appealing but I don't know. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks guys.

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Hey long walktonever. I'm debating between two programs nyu n usc mfa for dramatic writing. Nyu has the rep and usc is up and coming so I'm worried about which to choose. Frankly the funding at usc is amazing but is that worth it over nyu's rep? I've been given funding at nyu but no where near what usc offers. Please help.

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I think @annabananna said that they don't give you productions at NYU. Which for me would be a big red flag. Yes, the rep is nice. But if you're not going to get experience with productions, it would be hard for me to justify going there. 

Secondly, the funding and the cost of tuition would be a huge deterrent for me. 


USC is up and coming. But it is a good school with, I'm sure, resources to boot. Also, I like the idea of a smaller cohort. More one on one mentoring, more resources, time and energy being put into bettering you as a writer. 


How much is the funding at USC?

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