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SSHRC 2010


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My friend (a Ph D student) in Montreal got her letter, but nobody I know in the Masters got a letter yet.

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Well usually I would have gotten mail by this time in the day, when there is any, so I'm assuming I have to wait until Monday for sure. Edmonton. Are there any lurkers from Alberta here? I'd really love to hear when I might be able to expect something in this province since I don't have a grad department to hear thru.

Edited to add:

I'm also a little confused: when I got the news about my MA SSHRC in 2007, I heard directly rfom SSHRC through email before I heard anywhere else, told the department, and a few weeks later the department announced the results. I didn't get the letter in the mail for a month. Why is it different now?

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; also my topic has to do with diasporas and conflicting allegiances, which I was told made it a "sexy" topic (haha, whatever that means)

haha! you were told that on the phone?? Strange they said that... I always imagined those guys to be up tight and serious.....

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From US, no letter today... I am making myself sick worrying if it will get here tomorrow or not as I am leaving town on Sunday. Can anyone tell me if you are successfull that you have to complete forms that are in the letter or do you complete letters online? To accept. Just thinking ahead in case someone else has to open my mail which I would se hate but what can you do?

If any of you in US received a letter please let the forum know :)

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haha! you were told that on the phone?? Strange they said that... I always imagined those guys to be up tight and serious.....

Haha, no, didn't hear from them. After my app went through the University level, I was able to talk to someone who was on the committee that decides, and he told me that. I don't know how relevant it really is though, and he might have just said it to make me feel like I had a good shot... And you're right, I can't imagine anyone at SSHRC saying it. They've been really nice, but also really talented at being vague...

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In Montreal we use the word sexy all time to qualifiy ideas... "You've gotta have a sexy subject..."

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2 people in my sub-committee have been offered Vaniers. This may be time to semi-celebrate. Excuse me while I do a happy dance.

great news!!! excellent... congratssss. this is well deserved (and allow me to assume one of these two have already [or will shortly] accept the vanier; i cant really see how some1 would decline the vanier in this case [in case he/she studies in canada])

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1. Funded: non-CGS doctoral; score 21.4/30

2. City: Kingston

3. Letter received: today (May 7)

4. Subject area: public admin

5. Applied through your university or direct to Ottawa: university

6. Year in PhD studies when you would take up the award (so, what you’ll be in Sept/Oct. 2010): 3rd yr PhD

7. Taylor, Ross, or Queen's Fellowship??: no

8. Anything else you want to include that might be helpful?: no publications, one (very minor) grad conference presentation in MA, no previous external funding....miracles can happen people!

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In Montreal we use the word sexy all time to qualifiy ideas... "You've gotta have a sexy subject..."

It's true! I have heard it so many times since I started my PhD: "You need a sexy idea"; "Oh, that's a sexy topic"; "Can we make it sexier?"

Who said academia isn't sexy?

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It's true! I have heard it so many times since I started my PhD: "You need a sexy idea"; "Oh, that's a sexy topic"; "Can we make it sexier?"

Who said academia isn't sexy?

Academia isn't sexy, you have to be sexy! Though I got to understand the concept at some point... that's how you get $ !

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I too have been lurking on the forum for a few days, purely because the idea of posting somehow felt like it would make me even more nervous!

But I want to offer my congratulations to all of you who have been granted an award, are soon (or hopefully soon) to be granted one, and even to those who applied but weren’t successful. For the latter group, I absolutely think the perspectives that have been offered on this forum (it’s not really an accurate reflection of your impressiveness, it’s the broader trajectory of your work that matters in the end, keep up your passion and keep trying and it’ll eventually pay off, etc.) are the right ones.

I’m still waiting, on the West Coast so probably no mail until early next week, and since I applied directly to SSHRC, no department to ask. Waiting, waiting – agonizingly barely bearable. But it sure does help to have good company!

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Congratulations. It's pretty crazy that what seemed like a rejection can turn around like that. And I'm surprised at how much info some of us can get out of them... Anyway, hope you hear good news sooner rather than later.

I've been feeling a little concerned that I applied to the wrong place and that I'd be better off applying for an NSERC. Not sure though. I could argue my case either way (I'm in Psych), but I feel my score was rather low (13) and yet I've been waitlisted as well (??). I'm going to email them to find out how I should make sense of all this for next time. Anyone here have thoughts about whether it's easier to get a SSHRC vs an NSERC?

Just got a call from Michelle St. Pierre, the Program officer from my section. Apparently 36 people in my sub-committee got an award, and I am 1st on the alternate list for my sub-committee. She said to me, while smiling and laughing "Your chances of an award are VERY VERY good." I'm not holding my breath, but I'm happy.

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For the latter group, I absolutely think the perspectives that have been offered on this forum (it’s not really an accurate reflection of your impressiveness, it’s the broader trajectory of your work that matters in the end, keep up your passion and keep trying and it’ll eventually pay off, etc.) are the right ones.

It's true. Until further notice, I'm in the unsuccessful group, and so I'll agree with this. While there is some white noise in the process, from most of the grad students I know, applications have an upward trend. The more we apply, the better chances we'll have, given that we take the critical and helpful advice of others and make an effort to improve. I've been rejected many times for awards, and for schools (I went 0 for 4 in my Ph.D applications the year fresh out of my undergrad, and 3 for 11 the year following my master's). I didn't make it past the department for my SSHRC application last year, and now I am one decline away from a SSHRC DF this year. Should I fail this year, next year may be even better if I start my application in a few weeks (after comps). All these rejections already, and I'm only 23 -well, 24 on tuesday.

Soldier on, fellow grads. We shall have high times before the five make an end to us all.

Edited by Canuckonomist
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Awarded "regular SSHRC" (80,000/4 years)

Starting history PhD in fall.

Score was 19.80/30- looks like i just squeaked in; wont be one of those bumped up to the 105,000 version likely

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I heard the news from the grad studies office (I'm at SFU); no letter yet though. They should be here Monday/Tuesday. If you can, try going to the grad studies office in person with your student card.

Same here. I know others who've also been able to get this info from the grad studies office.

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You are wise beyond your years! (For better, or worse. :))

It's true. Until further notice, I'm in the unsuccessful group, and so I'll agree with this. While there is some white noise in the process, from most of the grad students I know, applications have an upward trend. The more we apply, the better chances we'll have, given that we take the critical and helpful advice of others and make an effort to improve. I've been rejected many times for awards, and for schools (I went 0 for 4 in my Ph.D applications the year fresh out of my undergrad, and 3 for 11 the year following my master's). I didn't make it past the department for my SSHRC application last year, and now I am one decline away from a SSHRC DF this year. Should I fail this year, next year may be even better if I start my application in a few weeks (after comps). All these rejections already, and I'm only 23 -well, 24 on tuesday.

Soldier on, fellow grads. We shall have high times before the five make an end to us all.

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Hi everyone, just thought I'd share as well. I got my letter today in the mail, regular sized envelop with three pages in it - I'm on the waiting list. 17.70/30 and a little disappointed about my score. Plus I think it's ridiculous that they give you no indication of where you scored high or poorly which will making improving difficult. I do have OGS (Ontario Graduate Scholarship) which isn't a bad award either, so it's not too bad. Good luck to the rest and congrats to those of you who received a SSHRC!

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Oh sorry - also am 2nd yr PhD in Ontario :)

You should (or might want to,) find out where you are on the waitlist. I'm 1st inline in my sub-committee with a 17.9/30, and with two people possibly accepting Vaniers, I might get an award out of that (and the person next in line too, which could be you!) 17.7 is a good score. Seriously. In previous years, I've been told, 17 to 18 have been good enough for awards. 17.7 might just get you one this year.

I agree with frustration about where you were lacking. More specific info could help, but then again, there are 2000 applications, roughly.

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I sent my inquiry here (fellowships at sshrc-crsh.gc.ca) and got an initial response within 12 hours (fwd'd to program officer) and then a final response the next morning.

I'm going to repeat my question since I've checked the mail 4 times today and it doesn't even usually show up for another hour...

Those of you who got responses directly from SSHRC, what email address did you send your question to? I haven't even gotten a response to say, "wait for the letter," I've gotten no response at all and it's been 2 days.

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Aww, they don't give any comments whatsoever?

I was informed yesterday by the grad director at my current institution that I got the $35k/3yr CGS! When I get the actual letter with the score, I'll post my details.

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I just got my results, and ended up doing surprisingly poorly. 12.7/30.

For context, which may be helpful to others, I'm starting my PhD at Toronto this fall.

I was ranked 2nd in my department going into the competition, had MA CGS, "A" undergrad GPA, slightly higher than "A" MA GPA, 2 conferences one of which was a very major one, 1 minor publication.

Someone I know working on a similar topic with equivalent grades/experience/references ended up with a 21/30. I have no idea why the SSHRC gods looked so unfavourably upon me.

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I just got my results, and ended up doing surprisingly poorly. 12.7/30.

For context, which may be helpful to others, I'm starting my PhD at Toronto this fall.

I was ranked 2nd in my department going into the competition, had MA CGS, "A" undergrad GPA, slightly higher than "A" MA GPA, 2 conferences one of which was a very major one, 1 minor publication.

Someone I know working on a similar topic with equivalent grades/experience/references ended up with a 21/30. I have no idea why the SSHRC gods looked so unfavourably upon me.

That is terribly unfortunate. This whole process is a mystery. I wouldn't be surprised if the same application next year would net you an award.

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