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Taking the Psychology Subject GREs


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Hello All,

I'm applying this fall for a few PhD and Masters programs.  Only one of my schools (CUNY Grad Center BASP program) even recommends taking the subject test, but it's one of my top choices so I was just going to go ahead and do it.  Apparently, the deadline to apply for the 9/16 test was yesterday, so I would have to take the 10/28 test. So I have 2 questions: 

1) Should I even bother taking the test if only one of my schools even recommends it (I have an BS in Psych)?

2) If I should I take the test, will 10/28 be too late to meet the 12/1 application deadline that all of my PhD programs have?




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I personally don't think the GRE Psych subject test is needed for programs if it says "recommended" instead of required when you have a BA/BS in psychology and have a good GPA. But that's just my opinion.

I took it (not realizing that it wasn't really necessary) and because it is a paper test and not online, it took a little more than a month for my scores to come back. So it might be cutting it too close, but you could always send the scores late since they're not required for your application to be considered. 

So it's just up to you and what you feel is best! If your GPA is a little low, the test could help supplement that. If not, then personally I don't think it's necessary to take it when the program doesn't require it. But again, just my opinion! 

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11 hours ago, Becks_Psych said:

I personally don't think the GRE Psych subject test is needed for programs if it says "recommended" instead of required when you have a BA/BS in psychology and have a good GPA. But that's just my opinion.

I took it (not realizing that it wasn't really necessary) and because it is a paper test and not online, it took a little more than a month for my scores to come back. So it might be cutting it too close, but you could always send the scores late since they're not required for your application to be considered. 

So it's just up to you and what you feel is best! If your GPA is a little low, the test could help supplement that. If not, then personally I don't think it's necessary to take it when the program doesn't require it. But again, just my opinion! 

My GPA is pretty low, but I have a lot of research experience and good GREs that I think can offset that. Would you still suggest taking it?

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11 hours ago, Trillian8 said:

My GPA is pretty low, but I have a lot of research experience and good GREs that I think can offset that. Would you still suggest taking it?

If your psych GPA is below 3.5 then I'd recommend it. It would just help show that you do understand and know the material to offset the GPA.

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TBH I crossed off any schools from my list that required it... did not want to take another test. But I had solid grades and majored in psych. I think schools take it most into consideration when you don't have a demonstrable psych background (e.g., are changing fields).

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I think it just depends on what kind of programs that you are hoping to get into. If you are thinking of getting into a clinical or I/O or social psych program, it should be helpful to take it . But if you are thinking of cognitive or neuroscience, you will have no need to take it especially when you are already a psych student. 

I'm a psych student whose mother language is not English. I will turn a Junior in the coming semester. I took the psych GRE subject test last year when I just turned a Sophomore. I'd say that I kind of doubt whether the sub score can really offset a low GPA since I only took psych courses for a year, prepared it for about 3 weeks after class and then I got 810 and ranked 99%. What I'm trying to say is that there is not at all any in-depth knowledge or methodologies included in this test, all you have to do is to memorize the basic facts in psychology. 

I'm a really discreet person so I took this test even though the programs I'm looking to says "recommend" instead of "require". But many students go to their dream programs without taking this test. If you are a discreet person like me, then go ahead for it! It should not take long for you to prepare it since English is your first language. In fact, In the 3 weeks I was preparing for it, I spent most of the time trying to memorize those terminologies in English. You'll definitely not have this kind of problem, haha. So if you take your time, you can spend only 2 weeks, or even 1 week to get a score that is higher than 90% percent when you are a psych student. 

If you do decide to take it, you can ask me for more advice. However, if you decide not to take it, you should also not be too worried. Usually the lack of a psych sub score will not that draw you back when you are not applying to clinical programs. 

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