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History of Art MA/PhD 2008


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Dan - didn't you say somewhere that you had applied last year? did you apply to columbia then? just wondering how soon we might hear back... and yes, 300 is a terrifying number! petersens.com actually has an even higher number, although they have the acceptance rate to the program at 33.3% which seems impossible. when i visited, they gave me a slightly lower number, around 270. they did say, though, that they end up taking around 20 students which, as i'm sure you know, is a pretty large number compared to other programs. i guess we'll have to wait and see. definitely let me know if you hear anything!

and many thanks, mew! i'm not sure when i'll hear back. from what i've heard, they don't have interviews. it looks like their acceptances/rejections are pretty staggered out, too, so i really have no idea when i might even hear back. hopefully soon! have you heard anything from anyone else yet? was chicago your top choice?

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no, i've only heard from those two so far. i think that pretty much all the others come late in feb or early march...but i'm not holding my breath. i'm really happy with chicago! and yes, it was definitely one of my top choices. the only other school i'd consider choosing over it would be harvard, only because they have two people in my field. that said, there are plenty of things i don't like about the department there, not to mention it's ridiculously hard to get into :)

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hi everyone.. i'm new here. been lurking for a few days. getting nervous as many people in other fields are beginning to hear back. i get paranoid every time i check my email.. :D :shock:

first of all congrats to mew27!! you must be super excited! btw.. could you talk a bit more about the art history department at harvard? what don't u like about it? i also applied there. berkeley as well actually.

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Hi lxs-

I only applied to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale last year and got three rejections in early March. I think that we are in for a wait. I applied to Columbia this year only after I received some encouragement from a prof. there (but still no word whatsoever.)

At this point, I would only consider Harvard or Columbia over Chicago - the more I find out about the program at the U of C, the more excited I get. The only thing I'm not excited about is the bleak winter weather...

Happy New Year!

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thanks! :) and welcome, art historian!

i can't really say that there's anything i dislike per se about the dept., but i think there are some things to keep in mind when you're considering harvard over other schools. first (and what really bothers me) is the reputation they have for treating their grad students poorly...like having them TA more sections per semester than they would anywhere else, having them do inordinate amounts of research for their professors' projects, dealing with huge egos, etc. that said, many students (maybe even i :) ) are willing to do this! secondly, for me at least, the professors i'd be working with seem to be pretty stuck in their ways; they're very established, have their own ways of doing things, and want everyone they're working with to do things how they want. of course, that's not always a bad thing! if it's worked for them, there's obviously something positive about it!

all the professors i've talked to have said the same thing: that harvard doesn't necessarily have the strongest dept., but harvard has the name. and (as much as everyone hates to admit it!) pedigree means something, especially when you're looking for jobs...

what do you all think?

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I'm not personally an Art History student, but I have a friend who is, and she said Columbia (and Berkeley and Chicago, as you already know) have started to send emails out today...

Really? I'm confused. Someone posted on LJ and said that a faculty member had told them via phone the admissions committee would be meeting soon. Also Columbia has only used email for rejections in previous years. I wonder what's going on.

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So, how is everyone doing on the "being patient" front? :shock: I thought maybe staying away from the board would help my nerves a bit, and it did until today when I checked the results page and noticed that someone applying to UT had been rejected from the Master's Art History program.....I was INSTANTLY on pins and needles, checking my email 50 times in an hour span...no news yet for PhD applicants. I just want to KNOW!!!!!

Mew, I guess you're getting ready to attend U of C's prospective student event? Let us know how it goes!

Best of luck to everyone.....I know we've all said it a zillion times but once more can't hurt! :P

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