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Dreaming of an admit....literally


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I keep having this dream where I can see my inbox and there's an email from my top choice...but I can't open it! What makes it all the worse is that I sort of know that it's not real but I still really want to see that 'Congratulations.'

I hope this is not a sign I am starting to crack, haha. Anyone else's subconscious been acting up lately?

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haha yes i dreamed that i checked one of the school's website and under the status, instead of saying submitted, it says "ACCEPTED" and I was so happy ...and then I even went to check my email and the school emailed me 3 times to tell me that they have accepted me and that I please respond...lol...and then I woke up and realized that it was all a dream :(

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I had a dream that I was on campus for a visit (don't know where). I walked into the department's office and saw a big billboard up on the wall. The first panel was titled "Must Have" as in - we must have these students in our program because they are so highly desirable. Four names were listed; mine wasn't one of them. Then I looked at the other panel titled "Better" - as in these students are not must haves, but they are better than the other applicants. My name was number eleven. I was crushed! My dream-self knew that I wasn't going to make the cut. My dream-self was also upset that I had traveled all that way for essentially nothing.

I'm happy to report that my subconscious was not correct in this matter. Yay!

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I had a dream last night that I received an email from UNC Chapel Hill saying that a decision had been made on my application and to go check the website. I clicked on the website and it took me to another page that said that a decision had been made and to click on another URL. I clicked on that URL which took me to another website saying that a decision had been made, and so on.

Then I woke up and remembered that I don't even have an application at UNC Chapel Hill! laugh.gif

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I had a dream last night that I received an email from UNC Chapel Hill saying that a decision had been made on my application and to go check the website. I clicked on the website and it took me to another page that said that a decision had been made and to click on another URL. I clicked on that URL which took me to another website saying that a decision had been made, and so on.

Then I woke up and remembered that I don't even have an application at UNC Chapel Hill! laugh.gif

Gosh then I'm not the only one who's having these weird dreams!We're all sailing in the same boat I guess smile.gif

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Today, I was in the library basement, trying to bring myself to open Oxford's decision email. At the crucial moment, just as I had mustered up the courage to do the deed, a group of hooded monks showed up, smashed my computer with a sledgehammer, and were on the verge of turning on me when I woke up.

After reassuring myself that my laptop was still in one piece, I remembered that Oxford states, quite unequivocally, that it won't release admissions decisions via the internet.


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I dreamed Yale accepted me and then two days later I got the reject letter; the other night I dreamed of a Fordham acceptance, so they should be giving me the bad news soon.

The same happens to me as well.It's almost always that the my dreams never come true & only the opposite happens sad.gif

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