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UDayton Ranking/Reputation


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Hello everyone,

I'm looking to apply to the University of Dayton's Ph.D program in theology with a focus on Catholic Social Teaching and Economics/Business Ethics. I'd ideally like to work with Vince Miller or Kelly Johnson there. Does anybody know anything about UD's ranking/reputation among theology/Christian ethics academic discussions? Where do their grads usually land in terms of types of colleges/universities? Any info is helpful. All I've found before is RR Reno's First Things Rankings from 2012, and that seems dated now. Thanks in advance. 

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I have a friend that did their M* there but didn't want to stay on for a Ph.D., instead moving elsewhere.

Their placement list can be located here: https://www.udayton.edu/artssciences/academics/religiousstudies/grad/phd-success/phd_theology_outcomes.php

Problem is that it isn't broken down by year and whether these positions are current or their first position.

As you can see from the list, lots of non-profit and high school teachers and administrators. It doesn't appear that anyone has landed at a major university which is also due to the fact that it's a theology degree and not religious studies.

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I don't know anything personally about the PhD program, but when I looked into applying a few years ago, it seemed like it would only be worth going to Dayton if you wanted a canonical degree in Mariology but didn't want to move to Europe. I think their civil degree is probably not super valuable. 

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