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Fall 2018 | MS | CS | G.R.E 321 (Q-164/V-157) | GPA 9.83/10 | TOEFL 117| PESIT,Bangalore


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Grad degree aim: MS in Computer science in USA

My GRE scores
Verbal: 157 
Quant: 164
AWA: 5.0

Undergraduation: B.Tech in Computer Science at PESIT, Bangalore
UG CGPA: 9.83 (Topper 9.91)

Field of interest: Algorithms, Networking, Cloud security

1) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Partitioned Linux Containers based on Principle of Least Privilege and Principle of Privilege Separation. Achieved size reduction of around 96% in nginx Docker image, 87% in python image and 60% in appcontainers/mediawiki 

2) PES UNIVERSITY Predicted perpetrator of terrorist attack based on target type, weapon type. Executed C4.5 and Factor Analysis of Mixed Data algorithms to analyze accuracy and achieved highest accuracy rate of 85% consistently in Scalable Vector Machines 

3) MICROSOFT MOBILE INNOVATION LAB Developed a statistical web-based model using R that displayed a Steam Graph to represent the rate of severity of diseases in rural areas of India • Obtained an accuracy of 87% consistently in the rate of prediction 

Conferences and presentations

1) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR ADVANCES IN COMPUTING, COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS Presented poster on “Terrorism Analytics: To predict the perpetrator of a terrorist attack” 

2)GRACE HOPPER CELEBRATION OF WOMEN IN COMPUTING Presented poster on “Data Leakage detection using Cloud Computing” 

Achievements : 
• Recipient of Google Grace Hopper Scholarship for Women in Computing 
• Deloitte Cyber Threat Collegiate competition first runner-up 
• Microsoft Imagine Cup top 10 pitches 
• Smart India Hackathon Innovation Award 
• Rank 2 at ACM Intercollegiate Programming Competition 2015 Amritapuri Regionals 

Recommendations: 1 strong and 2 moderate.

Please help me classify the following universities as safe, ambitious or moderate:

1) University of Wisconsin Madison 
2) Stanford University
3) University of Southern California
4) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
5) Georgia Institute of Technology 
6) Carnegie Mellon University

Any suggestions for universities are also welcome. Thanks a lot!!

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