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Two Refusals from the Same Prof. for recommendation


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I decided this week that going to school and teaching or being an asst. in a school at the same time will not work for me.

So I must wait and apply to a school when the situation allows that and I live elsewhere since my favored school is in Las Vegas and I'm still in OR. I must get in state residence in another state or my second favorite state(CA or AZ)?

But I had already started an ap. and was just about done with it. And I sent the request for a recommendation a second time, since I had asked 4 years ago after only 6 mos in undergrad. studies(post ba), and post-8 years as a stock illustrator/photographer.

1. She said no the first time because as she said, "I didn't have a large enough body of work."(this after sending her the portfolios to 5K images(graphic art illustrations) for sale on a stock site. She thought they were thumbnails when most were 16 16 in images SHOWN in large groups on ea. page as thumbnails you can click on. (No she is not a graphic arts instructor).

2. This time it's because she hasn't worked with me in an upper div. level as an instructor, and also because I don't have a cohesive/consistant body of work in clearly "one medium."  Yes she ONLY WORKS IN ONE MEDIUM folks!

I knew it was a 50-50 shot. But she's old school, very mentall limited I believe artistically.  And she is like 2 years younger than I am?

Oh well. It was worth a try.

The programs I'd read for grad schools that are like her in thinking, "You must chose a track, only one track-one medium" like in undergrad programs, I ran from like the plague.  They are NOT PROGRESSIVE in their thinking AT ALL! Not forward looking.

I am damn proud of my mixed media works. I moved from simply a graphic designer mostly self-taught to a much more multi-focal person who approaches creativity from many potential angles to complete my works while in college again.

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Sounds like that professor did you a favor. You wouldn't have wanted a letter of recommendation from her anyway, if she did not see eye to eye with you. Her denial has opened the door for you to get a much more valuable LOR from a different professor with whom you have a better relationship. 

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Finding the right graduate program is about finding the right fit. It sounds like this prof isn't the right person to be writing a letter for you and it also doesn't sound like the graduate programs you've been looking into will give you what you want either. You'll probably want to find programs that match your approach better, or consider changing how you approach your work to match the programs (depending on what is more important to you).

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I understand you are venting.

Why would you ask this professor to support you if she does not? Find someone who can back you up, who has your vision, and agrees with your views on what art education should look like. 

That said, be careful not to burn any bridges! (I mean: yes, do vent here, but be careful not to do so in front of other people who may know her/her work).

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Try not to harp on her. Save your time and find somebody else to write your LOR...especially since it doesn't seem like you like her much or have had positive interactions w/her. She may be feeling the same way, too. Cut your losses and email a prior boss or two. 

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On 12/26/2017 at 9:54 PM, LauraV said:

But she's old school, very mentall limited I believe artistically.  And she is like 2 years younger than I am?

Why would you....ask a person you don't even seem to hold in high regard for a reference letter?

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