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Everything posted by sebastiansteddy

  1. SUNY Buffalo is big in Psychoanalysis. They have a Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis. They also have a stand-alone MA program if you do not want to commit to the PhD.
  2. I am sorry it didn't work out. Are you going to apply there again? If you are, and if you think it might help, I don't mind sending you the SOP I sent to them. Though I must say I think my acceptance to Rochester was very much a case of luck - the professor I wanted to work with there was on the adcomm, is just receiving tenure, and was looking for students to work with. PM me if you want.
  3. I think it'd be perfectly fine to send along an email to talk about course selection.
  4. I am also a big Pynchon fan/ postmodernist!
  5. Thanks! I was about to go celebrate, but then I heard about this attack in Boston. I am very distraught over it, all of my family is in Boston (my sisters are marathon runners - both ok). The explosions were right near my undergrad institution. Please everyone keep Boston in your thoughts.
  6. I have made my final decision. I will be attending The Ohio State University for my PhD in English. GO BUCKS. What a difficult decision. I LOVED everyone at Riverside, and Irvine is an amazing program, but in the end OSU is the place for me.
  8. Thanks - I will let everyone know what I decide. Everyone on here has been amazingly supportive. You have all helped me through this so much. I am still anxiously awaiting to hear about funding from Irvine.
  9. You have to look out for yourself. It's frowned upon, but if it's worth it, do it.
  10. I am sooooo hoping Rochester comes through for you. Don't give up.
  11. Thanks everyone. I am in for a long night/ morning of soul searching.
  12. Accepted off the wait list to Irvine. This makes things interesting! I am not sure how I am ever going to make a decision tomorrow...
  13. Oh god, I just got into Irvine... I have noooo idea.... ETA: Well, they said they'd make me an offer if I still want one. So... not quite in, but it seems like it?
  14. Yeah, it's amazing!!! I suppose I'll be adding my name tomorrow...
  15. Do you guys think tomorrow will be a big day for those on waiting lists, or do you think most of the dust has settled by now and things are pretty concrete?
  16. Fencing is a great way to resolve disputes with your SO.
  17. I've learned in grad school that you have as much time as you make. With good time management, I have managed to do all my coursework, work out (run, swim, bike, weight train) about 3 hours a day, join a once a week softball league, spend time with my significant other... in short, you learn how to make time. It's not that hard.
  18. Oh wow. I sort of just realized that if I end up at a CA school I will be moving from coast to coast... That aspect of this didn't really hit me until now.
  19. Datatape - thanks for that advice. I will TRY to go about doing that.
  20. I am agonizing over this. I don't know what I am going to do... I am so thankful to be having this problem, but still... is it the 15th yet?
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