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Everything posted by sebastiansteddy

  1. Grr then why won't they just tell us so. I highly doubt I'd attend if accepted, but I just want to know so that I can really focus on making my final decision.
  2. Do you guys think that I should call to ask about my status, or do you think they'll just give me the same "we are still reviewing apps" BS that they gave me via e-mail? Dr. Guerra did not ever reply to the e-mail I sent him a while ago.
  3. I e-mailed the general English grad address and received a form reply, assuring me that my materials were all received and I should hear in early to mid-March. I then e-mailed Dr. Guerra and have not received a reply. I know that many rejections have gone out... but also in looking at results past, UW is pretty eccentric in sending out their notifications.
  4. I am still wondering what is up with my limbo status at UW...
  5. Remember when you asked why I was applying to so many schools. This is why.
  6. So if UT is aiming for an entering class of 15, say (I have no idea how big the program there is) they only accept 15 students? They don't initially accept a few more, knowing that at least some will decline?
  7. Haha, I know nothing about college basketball, but sources tell me they're good this year. And I heard they're seeded number 2 in their division? I AM a huge college football fan though.
  8. Sorry. That's how it is for my Irvine waitlist - they accepted 15 and are aiming for an entering class of 10, so at the VERY least, 6 people will have to decline. For what it's worth, I am still 99% sure I will be declining Rochester, and I know of another person who was accepted and will be declining. So... there's 2! (I haven't declined yet, because I want to visit some of the other programs I am favoring first just to make sure they go ok. If they go well, I will decline Rochester ASAP).
  9. March Madness is upon us. GO BUCKS!!!
  10. ALSO - I will happily admit when I am wrong. As has been brought to my attention, one of my programs (OSU) MIGHT indeed have that 1:1 ratio of declines to wait list acceptances. It seems like most of the others, however, do not.
  11. Oh I wasn't offended or anything! I didn't intend to come off as argumentative either, I just meant all this because the tendencies on these boards tends to oversimplify the complexities of the waitlist.
  12. I am going off of the 7 programs where I have either been waitlisted or accepted, as well as the university where I am completing my MA. I would wager that the vast majority (thought not ALL) of PhD in English programs in the US initially accept at least a few more students than their target class size. All I am trying to say is that there is not a 1 to 1 ratio of first round admits declining to watlisters being accepted.
  13. Right, I understand that, but every school that has accepted or wait listed me has accepted more than their target incoming class. Rochester accepted 12 and is hoping for an incoming class of 6. So to go to the wait list, 7 or more people must decline. Those 7 who decline might be, for example 1) Renaissance; 2) Contemporary Film; 3) 20th C British Lit; 4) Contemporary Am. Lit; 5) 19th C British Lit; 6) Modernist Poetry; 7) Silent Film. So after those 7 have declined, the program will asses those applicants on the wait list to see who will be admitted. Just because one person who declined studies contemporary film doesn't mean that the 1 they accept off the wait list will study contemporary film. Right? I haven't heard of a single program that only accepts the exact number of their target entering class.
  14. 20th-21st C novel, visual culture, critical theory, narrative theory.
  15. I think wait lists work slightly differently than this. Most schools accept more students than they suspect will enroll. I know that Irvine, for example where I am wait listed, accepted 15 students and hopes to enroll 10. Therefore, at least 6 students must decline before they go to the waitlist. In other words, it is not necessarily the case that because person A studying contemporary poetry declines, they will accept person B studying contemporary poetry.
  16. So I just have to say that of all the schools I am considering, Riverside has been the best at sending me information, etc. I have gotten friendly e-mails from so many professors and students. Anyone I have conversed with has gone out of their way to find out information for me, etc. Whereas I am a bit nervous to meet current students and professors at some other programs I am visiting, I am genuinely excited to meet everyone at Riverside. There's not really a point to this post other than it seems like a VERY welcoming program.
  17. Someone correct me if I am wrong - but I believe the revised test is "section adaptive." If you do well on the first verbal section, the next one will be more difficult, but the questions will be scaled higher. Whereas the old test was question adaptive, the new one section adaptive.
  18. I'm just telling you what I've heard and how my conversations with advisors and professors have shaped my perceptions of the two programs. Just trying to help. If I had the choice between PSU and UW, I'd be more inclined toward PSU. That's just me though, given my research interests, professional and academic goals, etc. You have been at PSU, so you have a pretty clear idea of what's going on there. You gotta do what's right for you! And of course, living in Seattle would be sooo much cooler than living... wherever PSU is.
  19. Doesn't UW accept quite a few PhD students, but only fund a few of them? Is it true that not all accepted students receive funding? Aren't many students required to pay their way for the first year or two? When I applied to MA programs 2 years ago, that was the case. I have a friend in the MFA program who was required to pay for the first year, and she has told me that is true of the MA/PhD program. I would ask how many students are accepted, and how many receive funding. Not only can this sort of disparity in funding lead to internal problems, but in my opinion, it also shows that a program is reaching for students. Instead of accepting 20 students and funding 6, it seems like a stronger program would just accept the 6 they can fund. UW aslo fell a little bit in the new USNWR rankings, while PSU rose a bit. Obviously, we are all aware of the flaws in both rating systems and know not to take them TOO seriously (I believe PSU is now ranked 26 and UW 32, or something like that - an almost negligible difference). I am not trying to say that UW is not a good program (I applied there). From talking with professors, PSU just seems to have a better reputation. This is just my impression from my conversations. That being said, UW can certainly be better for different areas, and is probably a much better place to live. Sorry I can't be more exact - maybe talk with your professors and ask them what their impressions are of each program? The reason I give so much weight to how my advisors and professors talk about different programs is because eventually, they will be the ones playing a role in the hiring game.
  20. Me too! I am very happy about this! Even more excited for OSU now.
  21. So... Kathleen Griffin just called to let me know that travel expenses WILL be reimbursed after all. So disregard everything I posted about earlier.
  22. Just e-miled Dr. Guerra to see what is up with my application. I'll let everyone know what he says (if he replies).
  23. I'm pretty sure it's free will. You are guaranteed a PhD spot (assuming all is going well) but you don't NEED to continue on to the PhD there. Congrats!!!
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