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Everything posted by waparys

  1. Having a minor/medium-sized freak out. So as some of you may have gleaned from my posts, I am a US/UK-educated international student. Now I'm worried that I've completely overestimated my chances of admission (partly because of the international aspect, though I'm applying to private schools for the most part) and I won't get into even one school and I don't have a plan B and I'm tired of not having my own income and having nothing to do and and and. I don't think I can take two more months of this. I also don't think I could put myself/my recommenders through another round of applications. So I guess I'm just wondering--what's your plan B?
  2. These numbers are artificially high because of science and engineering programs (IMO). The humanities have a significantly lower number of international students and I think this is why the original poster asked such a specific question.
  3. A CV is more focused on authored papers, presentations at conferences, reviews, editing, classes taught, etc. A resume is what us underachieving folk submit. Edit: A resume is typically no more than a page. A CV can go on for decades.
  4. It has to be. Otherwise European and Asian applicants would lose up to a day of application time (if it was local rather than according to the location of the school).
  5. Thanks for a great post, Swagato! I keep going back and forth between Northwestern and Chicago as my favorites. Then again, I think I'd be happy at 6/7 places I applied to...but I'm a firm believer that things turn out the way they're supposed to and what will be will be
  6. How much do you guys think recs matter? As in: who they're from, what they say, etc. Can they take a student from the "No" pile to the "Yes" pile? Or more like from the "Maybe" pile to the "Yes" pile?
  7. I have a school that has both of my scores...the deadline isn't until January but I just don't think I'd like to live there...plus it's a super super long shot (as opposed to just a super long shot like all my other schools). Plus I'd hate to ask my LORs to submit AGAIN.
  8. Some schools said, specifically, "up to four." So two of my apps included four recs...if they don't want to read them I guess they don't have to?
  9. Where schools accepted more (i.e. up to 4), did you send more?
  10. Thanks, guys! I guess if I haven't heard anything before they go on break, I'll follow up to make sure my application is complete.
  11. "Things it would have been nice to know before applying" for 200.
  12. Thanks! I love beer. Hate driving. But good to know
  13. I hate to ask this, but I have a Harvard question *holds up shield to protect self from rotten tomatoes being flung in her direction*. I did not get a confirmation e-mail when I submitted (two days ago after the GRE scores came out). Nothing. Thoughts from others who have submitted?
  14. I've been wondering about UM/Ann Arbor. I'm very much a city girl and most of my applications are to big city universities...how is it at Michigan? I know there are a lot of students so I'm guessing that makes it feel bigger? Is it easy to travel to nearby big cities? Maybe I'm completely wrong and Ann Arbor is considered a big city. I really know very little about the area.
  15. Well I only work 10 hours a week so...yeah I'm going crazy. Since the start of September I've already watched all of Scrubs (the good seasons), half of Dawson's Creek (I'd watched the first half in the summer), half of Friends...now I'm watching Fringe and House (again). We have a lot of DVDs... I'm also returning to a novel I started over a year ago. Any tips for indoor exercises/sport-type things I can do (in a small amount of space...) to keep myself from actually going crazy?
  16. I miss Philly And Whiz. You mysterious yellow substance, you.
  17. All British chippies sell curry and chips! Also, it's all about the chips and gravy for me....I miss the UK
  18. You get an upvote for the Mean Girls Reference. None for Gretchen Wieners.
  19. I don't think I ever said I wanted the profs I mentioned to be my advisors...I just pointed out we had similar interests, had worked on similar topics, and I would be cool taking a class with them. Maybe that's bad?
  20. Seriously! You deserve a medal Also this thread is making me feel completely inadequate. I finished all work for my last degree in August and have been doing pretty much nothing else. I started a part time job and am slowly getting back to a YA novel I started over a year ago...but other than that, I'm a useless human being. I suppose I'd rather be contributing nothing to the world than taking something away!
  21. Speaking of having relevant information twice, what is it with Harvard's Abstract of Courses page? It took me forever! Also the relevant math courses section? Yeah no...
  22. Does this help? http://wordfaqs.mvps.org/NoteSeparators.htm
  23. I've heard from a prof who helped me with my UK applications last year (recently retired Ivy League prof) that it's necessary. Also, if it is such a terrible idea, then I'm screwed.
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