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  1. JFK Airtrain to the NYC Subway to Grand Central Metro North from Grand Central to New Haven line there is a yale shuttle that comes every 20 minutes, but also a free new haven bus (it's green) that also comes and makes a loop to about 5 min. Cabs from the station to YSOA are about $10 + 2 tip, i suggest just taking a cab from the train station
  2. Mimona - they seem personalized to a degree so I would say wait another day before calling. I got mine yesterday.
  3. Acceptance emails are going out: 2pm here
  4. i agree - i love baltimore and loved baltimore when i lived in it. it's really fun and you can do a lot of things for nothing. Lots of friends live in giant 9,000 sq foot apartments in former warehouses for under $400 a month and there is a very vibrant underground scene. the foods not bad either. Franklin street is very easily accessible if you are interested in starting a gallery or project space. the thing to understand about baltimore is that the city is still recovering from the immense white flight of the '60s. racism from the 60's has had a lasting effect on segregating baltimore. which is very much at the fore of a lot of different groups of people's minds there right now though. i lived in reservoir hill in baltimore, and I had the sweetest neighbors, some of whom once stopped my bike from being stolen. i also lived in station north, loved it, and never had a problem.
  5. Sort of. If you are in-state when you apply, it gets close. BUT if you are out of state you still have to pay out of state tuition (which was like 5g when i applied). Incoming diversity fellowships are 1 year. Also bc of the California State budget the UC system can't guarantee funding for more than 1 year so you don't know what both years will be. Feel free to PM me for more info..
  6. biggest misconception about yale: that most people pay full price. yale is funded based on need. a lot of people (most) go to yale for no tuition and living expenses, though for most people there are some loans - but usually not for tuition. a lot of the schools you listed, you would still take out loans for. UCLA is not fully funded. I am pretty sure UT Austin isn't either.
  7. Erpnope

    New Haven, CT

    I think if your department has legacy apartments it can be very cheap but if you are looking for yourself on craigslist, etc you are only going to find very expensive things unless you get a gem in east rock or something. for example my first year my rent was $775 because I knew no one and so had to find a place on my own, this year I pay $430 because I moved into a 'legacy' apartment. Totally insane and makes no sense. Of course, if you want to live alone, you will pay.
  8. yeah - they do, they make you fill out a very, very extensive financial aid form if you get an interview. Way more than FAFSA. I forget what it's called. You only have to do it once. There are also sections for you to explain additional burdens or costs that don't show up, extenuating circumstances (IE: My parents are disabled, etc... I have XYZ debt that doesn't show up in any section here, etc) They also ask for all 1099's, W4's etc.. but the good news is you only do it once. Second year you only do FAFSA/IRS data retrieval. Hope that sheds some light
  9. 100% of need (of $55k) so whatever that would be for you for me it was full tuition plus some money for living expenses as well as many people I know. increases slightly the second year.
  10. you should just visit both and see which you like more
  11. i would look at the programs you are interested in, try to find their students, and look at the websites of first year students since they are most likely to have work they applied with be on their websites.
  12. The email is just a link to the yale website so if you are waiting you can always just try that...
  13. last year was Friday Feb 1st in the evening. They always notify via email on friday evening.
  14. perhaps, but the toefl score should be enough. could you make and link to a screen cap of these instructions? i am currently in the yale program and have no idea what you are talking about/have not heard of this at all, but this would be very helpful for any future applicants
  15. so i went through the app site here: https://apply.art.yale.edu/apply/ and selected GD 2 year and didn't see a video question. so I wouldn't worry about it. There is a chance you are on the grad school of arts and sciences app site which is totally different - and not the one you should be using.
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