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Everything posted by EngiNerd-12

  1. I saw a few acceptances, but I think it's still early in the game.. we have till mid Feb probably
  2. I feel your pain Vincenzo. Programs in sciences (Bio) seem to have interviews setup for the first 3 weeks of February, so I would assume interview notices have been sent out at this point (or they are at least finalizing that process this week). Engineering programs don't necessarily require interviews, but it seems like many have heard something via email/phone. At least we don't have rejections yet, although it is definitely more tempting to have a definite answer!
  3. I wonder if not hearing back from the other programs (biomedical sciences or engineering) means a high likelihood of a rejection... especially since I'm assuming interviews are taking place shortly (if they haven't already). Oh well
  4. Khaled, I have multiple windows (not even tabs) open: one for my email, one for this site (mainly results search), and another for work-related things. We might end up with a whole month of this! haha
  5. Congrats on the offer Khaled! I personally am going to refrain from emailing professors again. I feel like you risk bothering them because you don't know the extent of their stress levels during such time of the year. They will certainly contact you if they are really interested and think you are a good fit... so all you can do at this point is be patient and stop refreshing your email every minute (I should probably take my own advice, ha).
  6. Thanks Barrett! You are right... Baylor and UCLA are great for biological sciences! I'm just not sure what the likelihood of getting in after an interview is, and maybe that's why I'm worried.
  7. It's not looking good for those who didn't hear back... sigh. I put down an emphasis in Biosystems & Computational Biology. Did anyone from that research area hear back?
  8. Thanks Vincenzo! That's what I was thinking of doing as well, since I would rather not bother them again. I just hope they can tell my true passion for their research!
  9. As part of the application process, I contacted a few professors I was truly interested in working with (their research aligned perfectly with what I wanted to do). I have not heard back from some of them, so I am not sure if they took my attempt to contact them as a rude gesture (although I apologized ahead for any inconvenience) or lack of interest. Maybe they are just too busy, which is the expected case. But I was wondering if it is smart to just let go and leave it up to them to contact me if they desire. What are your thoughts?
  10. Apparently some people are hearing back today. Scratch what I said earlier. Maybe it's not as common, but it sure is possible to hear back today. Back to stressing out, haha.
  11. Yup...I don't think we will hear anything today. A day off for them and us!
  12. Really? I assumed they are not interested because I haven't heard anything back yet. At least we didn't get rejections yet. All we can do at this point is wait and see and hope for the best :-)
  13. Agreed.. they are more common in sciences. I applied to 3 engineering programs and only one of them conducts interviews. Congrats by the way!
  14. I saw both CS and EE interview invitations on the results search page :/
  15. Congratulations!!! Really happy for you too
  16. I noticed a few people who applied to the EECS PhD program at UC Berkeley got interview notifications. Anyone else heard back yet?
  17. I sure do hope that's the case! From my understanding, if you are invited to an interview, that means they are really interested in you and your academic and research backgrounds fit well. The interview process is to make sure you can articulate your thoughts properly, be able to speak on the spot, and aren't too anti-social or scared of talking to others. They want to know the real person behind the paperwork, especially given that they only take on a few people each year. Best of luck to everyone!
  18. Hey bio0930, I'm also going to Baylor's interview. Best of luck!!!!
  19. I would not be surprised if you got into all of them!! Truly Amazing work! And SpaceX is a great choice!
  20. If anyone feels like it! BS: Biomedical Engineering / Biophysics MS: Electrical Engineering (Signal Processing); MS Thesis in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions GPA: 3.6 undergraduate, 3.5 graduate GRE: 168Q / 155V (english is my 2nd language) Full-ride for undergraduate and graduate programs and 2 graduate research assistantships - Several research positions in Nuclear Physics (High and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions), Biomedical Engineering, and Electrochemistry. - 2 publications and 2 conferences presentations - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Biology and Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Biomedical Engineering Summer Scholars program - Currently work as an Electrical/Instrumentation & Control Engineer for a nuclear power contracting firm. Applied to a few Biomedical/Biological Physics, Systems Biology, and Electrical Engineering (with a Computational Biology focus) programs. The schools are: - Baylor College of Medicine - Stanford - MIT - UC Berkeley - UC San Diego - UC Los Angeles - USC - U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign - U Florida - UC Irvine - U. Washington
  21. Great job!! Double majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Physics is incredible, especially given such a high GPA. I would guess you would get into both mechanical programs and 2 of the 4 aerospace programs. Best of luck!!
  22. Nothing wrong with emailing asking about you.. as long as you sound patient and polite. I did that with 3 programs and they responded nicely right away!
  23. Sorry for the trouble Vincenzo!! I can completely relate, as I also started the process late in the game (because of previous commitments, but I guess we can't really use that as an excuse). My research interest is also mostly in Computational Neuroscience (or Systems Neurobiology), so I specified that research interest in a few Computational Biology programs. I applied to some of the schools you applied to and have not heard back yet. At least we didn't get any rejections yet! And I think, or rather am certain, that I got one recommender annoyed because of the amount of schools I applied to . Don't feel bad... it's part of the process. Those programs are really tough to get into and all we can do is apply to many and hope for the best! Good luck with the schools! I will post updates as time goes along!
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