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  1. Also willing to give it a read.
  2. I wonder if notification timeline is university specific. I haven't heard anything yet. Not sure whether this is due to my university or whether I'm on the waitlist/reject list.
  3. I'm a grad student in the US, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but if I were you in my gap year, I'd be thinking about the following: Did you do any research for your senior thesis/MA? If so, turn it into an article you can publish. Build connections/collaborations with your intended research site. Do whatever pilot work you would otherwise have done in your first summer of graduate school (building connections, participant observation, etc.). Apply for fellowships you qualify for as a recent graduate/ incoming grad; not sure what those would be Europe, but seek external funding whenever you can. Are there any methods you plan to use / feel you need to learn/strengthen for your research? Develop what you can now. I found it useful to learn good interviewing skills through volunteering at a clinic and helping w/ an ongoing qual. research; stats skills through helping analyze different datasets, etc. Maybe submit something to a conference or two (apply for travel awards!), attend relevant workshops/summer institutes.
  4. Hey there! Currently anth PhD student and happy to take a quick look at SOPs or CVs. DM me.
  5. Everyone who applied at our university was cc'd in a shared email.
  6. Have anyone heard back?
  7. So it has started. Still waiting
  8. well hopefully we'll know tomorrow, and that it'll be positive!
  9. Same here. Hoping today's the day though. Seems in previous years it was always earlier in the week when they notified.
  10. Has anyone heard back from WG?
  11. Has anyone heard anything? Also, daykid, have you heard from NSF DDIG? I know a few who have gotten rejections already, but I know they roll out acceptances and rejections over several weeks.
  12. Have they in the past?
  13. Fingers crossed for notification!
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