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Everything posted by epsilon

  1. @justchill that's very interesting! @ak48 I'm in math/science. I don't have children either, so that's not the concern. It's more along the lines of since school B is offering me over $10,000 extra a year in fellowships, does this indicate they will be very committed in seeing me "make it" in the future sense also. A top school may not be as interested in seeing me, personally, make it, although as you said they probably have more connections etc. that make this path easier.
  2. Do fellowships from a school in fact indicate they will really support you and help you achieve what you want? If school A is a top 5 in a great area with a low stipend while B is a top 15 in a not as great area but is really excited to have you, to the point of nominating you for fellowships, how much should this count for? (I have narrowed it down to these two schools due to the research going on) I know money isn't everything, but does it indicate something bigger?
  3. I have met many basic science phd profs who teach md courses. PhDs tend to go into academia and those with professional degrees tend not to. However there is some cross over. The main distinction is if you want to do clinical work or not. If not getting paid enough for the 6 years it will take to do a phd is bothersome to you, I'm not sure you're cut out for it. PhDs are meant for those who really love what they do, they are not a means to an end.
  4. Oh my. This scares me! I hope your apps go better this year
  5. I'm sorry this happened to you, but at least it's a hilarious story! Jeez how embarrassing (for the poi)
  6. Cool off for a few days. If you still feel the same way after that, consider your other options. How she acted could reflect her mentoring style. Being said, if you're still excited about her work and think you would develop into a strong scientist, go.
  7. Definitely true about thinking about PIs first- this is sort of just food for thought. Although if it is true profs are switching coasts that could be an issue if your poi/close collaborators follow suit. Interesting point about comp neuro though.
  8. I have a general question that's kind of silly, but just wondering what everyone's take is. A current neuro student that is attending an east coat school noted that many PIs were moving from the west coast schools to east coast ones. Basically, the message was that California would not be the "place to be" for neuro during my doctorate studies. I hesitate to take this at face value, but.... Any thoughts? (Esp. with all this budget talk..)
  9. You don't have to accept the offer until April 15th. I would just sit tight, tell them you are waiting to make a decision until you have all of your options.
  10. For neural engineering coding experience is probably a must. I would take a class or invest some serious time in learning Matlab on your own. You don't need to be great, but comp neuro labs will be looking for people with those skills. I would make that your focus, and if you could find a tech job that would further your math/coding skills (I noticed you don't have differential equations or analysis, which are pretty important) you should go for it; 2 years isn't too long. May I ask what your current job is?
  11. lol.
  12. Saw columbia acceptances on the results; congrats whoever they were! Hoping to hear similar news after their second weekend!
  13. Oh great! I'm nervous cause ill be the only one there, but it sounds like nothing to worry about if everyone's easy to talk to!
  14. Yea, haha get why it could be considered depressing... On another note I love phd comics!
  15. :mellow:.... depressing is a strong word....
  16. Congrats! How was your visit? Im visiting in a week or so, very excited!
  17. Hmm interesting, seems I'll be waiting until April 15th then. Thats unfortunate because I'd like to accept an offer ASAP to begin planning/let people on waitlists have a chance. Just got an email saying I've been nominated for a fellowship at a school where I'm going to the interview next weekend. I haven't been accepted yet though, kind of odd (but hopefully a good sign?!)
  18. When youre talking about schools like MIT (Stanford, caltech, carnegie mellon), I dont think the "ivy league" thing should come into the equation. In fact, it probably shouldn't come into the equation period, but especially not when talking about MIT...
  19. The directors of a program I was admitted to notified me that they will nominate me for a fellowship. My official letter of acceptance just has the standard award package on it, I got this letter just a day after I got the email about acceptance/fellowship nomination. I was wondering if these "extra" fellowships take longer, or if I will not be getting it. Unfortunately, money will definitely be a factor when deciding where to attend (if I get more admits, that is). Anyone else in the same boat?
  20. I would imagine they're going to the profs you named to see if they would want to take you on. I would say its a good sign! I got an acceptance just 3 days after the interview, some schools let you know much quicker than others..
  21. Problem is, you never know what they were thinking. I know a 37 yr old neuro phd who had a low gre/UG gpa but got into top programs; he thinks partially because his age/experience showed he was committed. Good luck with your other apps!
  22. did anyone at columbia last weekend get info about when we should except to hear from them?
  23. UNC has a very high post-interview acceptance rate (~80%) About to board my flight for NYC, its gonna be sooooo cold
  24. The hard part is my significant other isn't graduating until the winter, so as excited as I am, I know there are some hard decisions coming our way soon...
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