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Everything posted by ishmael

  1. Greenmt, have you officially accepted? I'm on the waitlist for UMD, 19th cent American, so I'm holding out that maybe there's still a chance, since I haven't heard anything, Haha. Oh, and congrats, by the way!!!
  2. I hope this post hasn't dissuaded anyone from choosing A&M. While there are some departmental transitions going on, TAs are NOT simply glorified graders (though the department does have a few "grader" positions), nor are all available teaching opportunities "canned" classes. Overall, there is simply not a hostile environment for grad students-- and due to some recent developments within the politics of the department, I think things are on the upswing. To my knowledge, no one has been threatened with loss of stipend-- that is contractually illegal. All departments have issues and all departments have grad students who are unhappy with policy, professors, etc. Unfortunately, you all were privy to one of those unhappy grads. EDIT: If it wasn't clear, I attend A&M as a PhD student.
  3. My waitlist converted... I'll be attending Texas A&M as a direct-admit PhD student! Hooray!!!
  4. Question: I'm waiting on some waitlists to come through, and I have a feeling they might not convert UNTIL April 15th. When schools want an answer ON the 15th, is there a certain time-limit? Do they expect an answer early in the morning, or up until midnight? Any thoughts or experiences to share? Thanks.
  5. I'm waitlisted for (more) funding at U South Carolina, and they've been very straightforward and forthcoming with information. Texas A&M, on the other hand, where I'm waitlisted for direct-admit (but in for Masters!) has been considerably more cryptic. I was upfront with my questions about the waitlist and received answers that basically told me nothing in return.
  6. I'm not talking JUST waitlists. I mean, this school sent out acceptances this week. First round. I have offers from higher-ranked schools-- I no longer have time to wait it out for my last-choice safety school. I'm not lamenting my waitlist, rather, regretting that I even applied at this school. It was a waste of money, essentially. Regardless of their decision, they won't factor in in MY decision. This isn't a "poor me" post, rather, a "how on earth are these schools winning anyone over when they send out first round acceptances the first week of April" post. I'm honestly curious. Although, perhaps this is the reason that they are so low on the rankings (which, of course, are meant to be taken with a grain of salt).
  7. So, I have a question. How important is teaching in an MA program? I want to move on to a PhD program post-MA, and I have one offer in which I would teach a 1/2 (or 2/1) load my second year, and one offer that only allows MAs to grade, rather than teach outright. I'm torn, because I would ASSUME that teaching would greatly strengthen a CV for PhD applications (and lack of teaching would greatly weaken a CV). But I have a few profs telling me that really, it isn't THAT important, as PhD programs will likely retrain you ANYWAY. What has been people's experiences? If it's any help, the school that won't allow me to teach during my MA is ranked slightly higher in the sacred USNews rankings. Thanks.
  8. What's the deal? How do schools that notify so late get any decent people? A school just waitlisted me and told me they'd have more info in the next two weeks... um, I'll have made my decision by then-- and it will be somewhere else. Seriously, how do these places bring in competitive candidates?
  9. Any current students out there that would field some questions via PM??
  11. Just curious on people's opinions of Hamline's MFA program.
  12. Any word? Ole Miss better let me know if I'm in soon... I have other offers on the table.
  13. Yeah, they've been taking a hell of a long time. Lame-sauce.
  14. I'm kind of upset with Florida. I've emailed the grad director twice, with no response. If in not in for MA, just tell me so. Whatevs.
  15. Fishbucket. Can you just like, get over it?
  16. I'm impatient as hell. I've emailed, they still say that they're making MA decisions. Come on, ole miss! April is comig fast.
  17. None, here, either. But I'm still waiting on three schools... Come on, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida!!!
  18. The NRC Rankings are just so hard to read... so many NUMBERS.
  19. So all I have to do is let them know about which meals I want? I definitely did NOT get that email. I'm glad I asked, since I was about to type a big long thing indicating each event I was going to attend.
  20. Did you get an email asking you to indicate your choices on the schedule? I never did, and I just received an email asking if my response to said email never went out... Is there a specific way to indicate all my choices? I'm just... confused.
  21. Are you kidding me? Bryn Mawr has no English graduate program. The USNWR Rankings really ARE bullshit.
  22. Yeah, from all the info on the forum, looks to me like I didn't make Florida's MA cut. Lame.
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