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Everything posted by ishmael

  1. Woooo! Got an email from Texas A&M. Still on the waiting list for PhD, but in for sure as MA. Funding info forthcoming.
  2. All of the PhD schools I applied to I've heard back from. One waitlist. The rest are MAs. Alas.
  3. Waitlisted at Texas A&M. I emailed the DGS to see if I could get a sense of where I'm at / what my chances of acceptance are. To my chagrin, I was given a cryptic neutral response. Lame.
  4. Contact em!! For the good of us all!
  5. I've heard the same from Youngquist. I was told final decisions will be made this week.
  6. Two Espressos: Why? Just curious to hear your reasons.
  7. Hmm. All this talk of money makes me worry about my (currently only) offer. How do people feel about partially funded MA programs? Let me clarify, the first year is partially funded, with promise of full funding the second year (with a 2-1 teaching load). Is it worth it to do a program funded as such? So. Much. Anxiety.
  8. Uh oh, there's a Florida admit on the board (anyone want to claim?). It's PhD, so hopefully MA admits won't be too far off...
  9. Here's hoping for tomorrow!
  10. I know, right??? It's heaps rough.
  11. Looks like it's just us... haha.
  12. Thought I'd revive this thread-- got my first acceptance, from South Carolina today. Denied PhD but offered MA. Any other admits? Anyone have any advice about USC?
  13. Woot. Thanks, everyone. I'm thrilled. It was getting pretty dark and gloomy for me... phwew.
  14. HOORAY! I can finally justify my post in here-- I was denied PhD at University of South Carolina, but ACCEPTED to the MA with partial funding for the first year (and they've waitlisted me for Fellowship/Assistantship that would be full funding) and the promise of full funding for the second!!! Hooray!!!! I'm not a failure at lifffffeeeeeeeeee.
  15. Ahhhhh! "Some months"? Lame. I think I'm going to give in and email Dr. Rice as well.
  16. Thanks, muchado. Anyone know of any others??
  17. MA. I still have to hear back from five more schools, but I'm way shaken up from KY and the string of rejections I've had the last week (even though they were sort of stretch schools...).
  18. Starting to freak out now.... University of Kentucky rejected me. They were one of the lowest-ranked unis on my list... it might be time to look at applying to schools that are still accepting applications... Sigh.
  19. Muchado, are you willing to tell us where exactly you go?
  20. So this is the thing with Colorado: I don't think I applied for direct-admit PhD, as I was under the impression that they didn't have one. I'm almost certain that I only applied for MA-- but it seems as though they DO in fact have direct-admit. So, I'm gonna chalk this one up to their absolutely awful website (and the fact that it wasn't super high on my list, so I did less research). But it looks as though they haven't sent anything out regarding those who applied solely to MA, so I might not be out of the running quite yet. Although it makes me wonder... if they have direct-admit, and I am only offered MA admission... am I going to want to attend? Who knows, time will tell.
  21. Maryland... please. This week. It's my top choice... and I don't think I can handle the wait any longer.
  22. Has anyone contacted Maryland? Any info to share?
  23. Oh my god. There is now more than one UNC-Chapel Hill acceptance. My anxiety has shot up... OVER NINE THOUSAND.
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