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Posts posted by PhDhopeful2013

  1. Just curious about the details of the Duke admit. I'm really hoping for that one and would love to know exactly what changed when you logged into your application. For example, my status just reads something like: "Congratulations! Your application has been submitted". TIA and a big congratulations to whoever got that one!


    Congrats to the Duke admit!!


    The posted acceptance was for an international applicant, so maybe they were notifying international applicants first or through a slightly different process. (at least that's what I'm hoping!!)


    In addition to Apply Yourself, Duke also has a self service website, which shows your app status.  You can set up an account through the following links:






    I'm also hoping the posted rejection is premature... my status also still says "Decision Not Ready"....

  2. Does anyone just want a new start. Go to a place where no one knows their name. Research their hearts out on poli sci issues. Just create a whole new life.

    I know I do.

    Been in the same place for almost 20 yrs (-1 yr for leaving), im so ready for something new and exciting..even if it costs me several nights per week at the library.

    I'm definitely ready for a change, i just hope I get the chance! I know it's still so early and my schools (besides Pitt) haven't released decisions yet, but i've been feeling pessimistic yesterday and today. I hope it passes quickly and that good news is on the horizon for me and everyone else who's still waiting...

  3. Any thoughts on whether UNC has sent out there whole first list of acceptances or whether more will come in the next week or so? I spoke with a professor earlier this week and thought it went well, but didn't realize others had already been accepted.

    Had you been contacted for an interview, or did you have an informal convo w/ the prof? I know someone else on here was contacted for an interview, but others (myself included) haven't heard anything yet.

  4. For those of you waiting on UNC -- I checked the link referenced above again and it was indeed updated with my decision information now (it wasn't when I had posted that). So, it's probably worth registering and checking that too. It's a little odd that there are two separate login locations but I thought I'd let you all know in case compulsively checking one UNC site wasn't enough for you :)

    Thanks, Quigley. Two sites are always better than one!! I set mine up and it still says "decision not available." Fingers crossed that that's not a bad sign...

  5. This is right. I know I've posted something similar before, but anyone who's had a job knows that dreams get crushed in the working world.


    The PSJR board loves to use the "snowflake" trope. Ironically, all that crying and whining about how hard it is to be a grad student is just them failing to recognize that disappointment is not unique to social science PhDs. Guess what? You're not going to make partner at Sidley Austin or chief surgical resident at Cedar Sinai or be Daniel Day-Lewis's talent agent or the CEO of Coca-Cola, either.


    There aren't very many jobs at the top of any field. The market is soft for everyone. The reality of being ambitious is that at some point you hit your ceiling. That's never easy and the worst of PSJR is one graceless way to react to it. For those of you that haven't worked or otherwise don't understand (from experience) what I'm talking about, remember this when you hit a wall: You can always drop out and manage a Starbuck's or become a lawyer if that's what you prefer to teaching at some forsaken LAC in western Kentucky. Seriously. Just know that no one is going to drop a ladder from the clouds for you there, either. The question, really, is whether, the consequence of reaching and falling short is worse than the consequence of not trying.


    It seems like it was news to some PSJR posters that not everyone gets a TT offer at Harvard. Hopefully that's not the case here.


    I totally agree.  I posted something similar in that "Dear brilliant students" thread in the Lobby.  I've worked full-time for many years and I can't help but think that some previous cohorts of PhD students (now profs on PSJR) had no clue about a) what they were getting into in grad school or b ) the realities of working full-time in any field.  So many of these individuals give a similar verion of the "don't get a phd" speech, but I can't help but realize that these people often went straight from undergrad into a phd before getting other professional experiences.  the pitfalls of academia are simply not unique to academia... they are the challenges of any field and of professional life in general!  the one unique situation about doing a phd is the fact that you are making some significant financial trade-offs.  so while working full-time in another field would provide you at least a decent salary and benefits, you really won't have the same finanaical freedom during a phd.  BUT the benefits of having a lot of flexibility and working in a field that envigorates you are huge intangible benefits.... maybe without the experience of slugging away day in and day out in a field they don't like, the cynics aren't appreciating the intangible beenfits of their academic career path... so yes, I also get frustrated by the PSJR sentiments that we're discussing....  (and of course I am generalizing and there are plenty of other very supportive, non-cynical profs, who have had other professional expereinces, etc, etc.... but you know what i mean)

  6. In at OSU....shaking....


    I'm happy to join the list of people who struck out their first cycle, and got in on their second try. Keep the faith everyone!


    Awesome, balledematch!! Congratulations! You must feel amazing right now.  I hope to join that club soon too... :)  of the schools I've applied to, only UNC has had any action, and it's been minimal, so i'm still hanging on to hope to have success this second time around!

  7. Anyone else having a sh*t ton of trouble actually focusing on anything? I never had this problem before, so I'm attributing it to the fact that my future is hanging in the balance right now. I'm trying so hard not to think about grad school or "what ifs," but when I try to do anything else, I can't seem to stay focused on the task at hand--and it's not because I can only think about grad school; I just cannot seem to focus on anything at all. I suppose it could be because I'm out of school for the first semester in 4 years--I graduated in December--so maybe I'm just lost without the stimulation of coursework... I don't know... Just venting, I suppose...


    Also, related: I've been trying to keep to scholarly work, like reading new papers and stuff, but I find this extraordinarily hard to focus on. Anyone else having problems keeping up with academic stuff when not in school and waiting for admission? If so, how are you coping (are you just not doing this stuff or are you keeping at it)?


    yes, 100% yes.   it's extremely hard to focus on anything right now. the uncertainty is tough to manage.  I have things I need to focus on, but it's futile right now... i just need some info, so I can partially relax and get back on track!  the unknown is very distracting....

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