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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

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  1. for sake of clarity, when we say lower ranked schools do we mean like university of southern baptist alabama, like small regional schools in middle of nowhere? or still reputable research schools albeit lower in rankings? I just want to set my expectations correctly. I would be content with even a job at a small regional school in middle of nowhere but don't know how realistic even that is. Sounds like the market truly is very difficult.
  2. hi biostatprof and cyberwulf, I think our perception of biostat depts is mostly formed by USNR rankings. I was wondering whether you guys can provide a list of places you would consider top 5 or 6 and have capable advisers working on things publishable in top journals. I want to see if it conforms to the USNR rankings cause I think some programs like Emory are highly underranked on that site.
  3. thank you for the response cyberwulf, I was hoping to hear from a faculty member. Can you speak to availability of tenure track jobs and teaching jobs in non highly ranked positions? how competitive would you say those positions are? I have strong preference for research and even teaching over industry so this is something I'm quite curious as well.
  4. hi, does anyone have any papers or research summarizing the state of the academic job market in stats and biostats. As a potential phd student I'm very anxious about the possibility of actually getting a faculty position after graduation. It seems most students need to complete a post doc in order to be competitive for faculty positions. I am wondering whether there's any reports for total number of faculty positions in stats/biostats for any recent years, compared to number of graduating phd students. Thank you
  5. how many students does Harvard biostat interview and accept anyways? wonder if anyone knows the size of the visit day
  6. that's very weird because they released admis 3/4 days back. I wonder what their game is.
  7. harvard seems to have notified admitted students. I'm guessing the rest of us are rejected implicitly
  8. should UW really be that high? it seems their student outcomes tend to be worse than even schools on the 2nd tier. Very few academic placements. MIchigan should be in the 2nd tier imo
  9. congratulations noco7! must be a huge load off your back
  10. I haven't heard back from Wisconsin, which seems like a trend with my apps. complete radio silence. I think CMU's now done with all their acceptances and waitlists now looking at the result page. I just wish they send that official reject letter so I can stop hoping. Really liked CMU's applied program but i guess it's not to be. very tough year indeed.
  11. I think it might just been a really tough admission year. My stats are very comparable to yours and I'm an american but I haven't heard anything from those schools in addition to cmu, wharton so I'm at a loss as well.
  12. another day of radio silence for me. just agonizing.
  13. lol I'm the same way. actually had a weird dream about being accepted last night. woke up incredibly happy only to realize that was just a dream. at work I'm literally just checking GC and email all day.
  14. I'm hoping those of us who haven't heard back from CMU can at least get some closure today
  15. We are all in very similar situations. It's kind of cruel for CMU to send out the acceptance emails on a friday and just leave the rest of us hanging for the entire weekend. I would at least like to receive a rejection letter just so I can stop refreshing my email page
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